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Apr 23, 2021, 5 tweets

#BREAKING India hospital fire kills 13 Covid patients: official

#UPDATE India hospital fire kills 13 Covid patients on outskirts of Mumbai before dawn today.

"There were 17 patients inside when a fire broke out in the ICU of Vijay Vallabh Hospital, out of which 13 died and four have been shifted to other facilities," fire department says

Fires burn at Indian crematorium as Covid death toll mounts.

Crematoriums are working around the clock in many Indian cities, including New Delhi, to cope with the increasing Covid-19 fatalities, as grieving families wait for hours to cremate their deceased relatives

Delhi hospitals issue desperate appeals for oxygen and 13 Covid patients die in a fire, as India's healthcare system buckles under a new wave of infections

Coronavirus variants.

#AFPgraphics factfile on SARS-CoV-2 variants -- updated with B.1.617 now circulating widely in India

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