Bulletproof Beancounter Profile picture
Dynasty FF Aficionado. I do not watch the games. Co-host of Sweatin' Bullets: A Fantasy Football Podcast Youtube: https://t.co/I73xkCTjkb

Apr 23, 2021, 9 tweets

I updated my prospect process to "define" the process over the past several months

I imported the grades into my ADP trends database

I define a faceplanter as losing more than 12 spots in startup ADP from May to May per @DLFootball ADP

Here's the last few classes

Lets Dive In

2019 was a super weak class

2018 had some major star power.

NINE bulletproof players in round 1 of 2017. That is absurd.

2016 was such a hilariously weak class.

2015 had some pretty some strange stuff happening. All of the bad players gained value and then with the exception of a fluke season by DeVante Parker they all went on to bust in epic fashion.

2014 was a special as it looked at the time. And gave us easily the most bizarre Generational prospect of all-time.

The things I learned...

1) Bulletproof+ is both bulletproof in terms of production AND yr1 value gains.

2) bad prospects gain value at a remarkable rate after yr1 to then come crashing down to earth shortly thereafter. IE, hope springs eternal.

Remember that face planting is basically a fantasy death sentence. That is a key part of my sophomore comps and plays a big role in my rankings on Patreon.com/BulletproofFF

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