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Apr 23, 2021, 7 tweets

An update on cases and positivity in the UK.

Overall, still promising news.

Cases continue to fall week on week in England, Scotland and Wales, while there has been a small up-tick in Northern Ireland, but from a low level.
Not yet back down to September levels, but close.

The slight up-tick in NI is there in the positivity data (positives/tests taken) but it seems to fall off more recently.
England, Scotland and Wales all showing continued falls in positivity and rates below 2.5%


Cases continue to fall in all English regions.
(Orange dots in week-on-week plot show this week's rate and grey dots last week's)
Some areas (North West) now below September levels (green diamonds) and others (North East) very close.


Similarly, positivity levels continue to fall in all regions with each area now below 3%.
Biggest week on week fall in Yorkshire and the Humber albeit from the highest level.
Most regions below their September 1st positivity rate.

At a local authority (LA) level cases fell in 211 of 315 LAs in England and 82 of 315 LAs are now below September 1st levels (green diamonds).
All Scottish LAs are now below 70 cases per 100K.
All Welsh LAs below 30 cases per 100K.

Some big rises in case numbers in some Northern Irish LAs (Derry & Strabane and Mid-Ulster) but these are not reflected in the positivity data with Mid-ulster showing only a small rise and Derry & Strabane a fall. This indicates some change in the testing in these regions.

Important to note that data only goes up to 17th of April so we wouldn't expect to see the impact of the 12th of April easing of restrictions in these plots, nor the impact of the return to schools after Easter.
Overall the situation is positive across the UK.

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