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Press Gazette energy & environment journalist of the year 2022 Deputy Editor + Senior Policy Editor @CarbonBrief DMs open

Apr 23, 2021, 9 tweets

The UK govt has formally issued draft legislation, making its 78% by 2035 climate goal into law…

It does not (yet) legislate to include international aviation and shipping in the budget, but additional regulations on that will follow…

for reference, here's Article 30 of the Climate Change Act under which international aviation and shipping will be included…

The UK's 78% by 2035 target will avoid 6bn tonnes of CO2e over 30 years and will be a net benefit to the UK economy worth £266bn

That's according to the govt "impact assessment" on the measure…

There's a great thread on the impact assessment here from @timbolord

@timbolord Blimey, the UK govt expects the country's electricity system to be 95-99% zero carbon by 2035

That's 14 years from now

Its modelling includes up to 75% from wind and solar alone…

@timbolord Interesting to see that the UK govt does not expect hydrogen to be used widely for heating, in its core modelling pathway to cutting emissions 78% by 2035

(it does model an alternative "high resource" pathway where hydrogen heat is widespread)…

@timbolord A key issue for hydrogen heat is that low-carbon hydrogen isn't expected to be available at scale by the mid-2030s, according to the UK govt…

@timbolord Also interesting to see UK govt modelling finding that blue hydrogen is needed, but only in the "short to medium term" before truly zero-carbon supplies become available at large scale and lower cost…

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