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Author. Prof of Math Bio and Public Engagement Books - "Math(s) of Life and Death" "How to Expect the Unexpected" Get here

Apr 23, 2021, 7 tweets

A short thread on vaccination data:
Rate of vaccination is starting to pick up again after a dip earlier in April.
It's still majority second doses being given to keep pace with the first doses we gave 12 weeks earlier.

61% of the UK adult population have now had their first dose and 20% their second dose.

Wales is still ahead with first doses given, while NI lags behind, but the absolute differences in percentages vaccinated are less than 10%.
The relative difference is bigger in second doses with Wales surging ahead early on, but now being pegged back.

We're seeing high proportions of over 80s having received their second dose (83%) and 78% of 75-79s too.
First dose coverage is over 90% for everyone over 55.
89% of the 50-54 year-olds have had a first dose and 59% of 45-49s.

Perhaps one thing to keep an eye on is keeping pace with first dose delivery.
12 weeks ago 80% of over 80s had been given their first dose.
This week 83% of over 80s have been given their second dose.
That margin was 16% last week this week it's just 3%.

The vaccine programme is still going superbly well.
It is and will continue to make a huge difference, especially as we continue to open up.
It is, however, worth understanding that there are inequalities in vaccine uptake as highlighted in this thread:

With thanks, as ever, to Bob Hawkins with his help in preparing the data.

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