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Apr 23, 2021, 32 tweets

"When #COVID19 emerged almost 16 months ago, we knew that we already had effective tools to prevent infections and save lives, in the form of fundamental public health measures. Those measures continue to be the backbone of the response in all countries"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"But we also knew that we would need new tools: diagnostics to test for this new virus, therapeutics to treat it, and vaccines to prevent it"-@DrTedros #ACTogether #COVID19

"At the same time, we knew that we live in an inequitable 🌍, in which children die from diseases that can be easily prevented with vaccines, and in which people die because their sickness goes undiagnosed and untreated"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"We knew that unless we took unprecedented action, the 🌍’s have-nots would be left behind again. So a year ago, WHO & the many partners came together to launch a unique initiative: the Access to #COVID19 Tools Accelerator (@ACTAccelerator)"-@DrTedros

"The @ACTAccelerator was conceived with two aims: the rapid development of vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics; and equitable access to those tools"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"The first objective has been achieved. We now have several safe and effective vaccines to prevent #COVID19; we have rapid diagnostics to test for it; and we have oxygen and dexamethasone to treat it"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"But we have a long way to go on the second objective.

Around the 🌍, people are dying because they’re not vaccinated, they’re not tested, and they’re not treated"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"We’re deeply concerned about the increasing number of cases & deaths in 🇮🇳 right now. The situation is complex & requires different responses in different parts of the country & I welcome the steps the govt has taken to reduce social mixing & boost vaccine production"-@DrTedros

"I offer my deep condolences to everyone in #India who has lost someone they love. And I offer my deep commitment that WHO & our partners in the @ACTAccelerator stand with the government & people of 🇮🇳 & will do everything we can to save as many lives as we can"-@DrTedros

"WHO has redeployed 2600 staff from our other programmes on polio, TB, NTDs & immunization programmes to support states to respond. We’re also providing technical support for the production of oxygen plants & advice on clinical management, incl. patient triage"-@DrTedros

"The situation in #India is a devastating reminder of what this virus can do and why we must marshal every tool against it in a comprehensive and integrated approach: public health measures, vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics"-@DrTedros

"This is a scenario that is playing out around the world, and will continue to play out unless we ensure equitable access to the tools needed to save lives"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"The solution is straightforward: we need countries and companies that control the resources that could save lives to share"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"That means:
-sharing 💰 resources to fully fund the @ACTAccelerator
-sharing vaccine doses to protect the most at-risk
-all countries being transparent about their bilateral dose donations
-sharing technology, know-how & IP, to urgently & massively scale up production"-@DrTedros

"The @ACTAccelerator needs $19 billion this year.

That’s a drop in the ocean compared with the trillions of dollars governments are spending on supporting their economies, and the massive revenues that most vaccine makers are generating"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"It’s not good enough to say that inequity is just the way the world is. It’s not okay that people just like you and me die when we have the tools that could save them"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"This is the time for all of us to write a new story; a better story that sees nations not as rivals or competitors, but as members of one human family with a common future. Call me an idealist; I will wear that badge with pride"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"In many ways, that’s what the @ACTAccelerator is – one family of governments, agencies, civil society, the private sector, philanthropies and others coming together to find shared solutions to our shared challenge. None of us can do this alone"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"Creating the @ACTAccelerator was an achievement in itself. But leading & running it has been an enormous & often unseen task. In Sept 2020, we established a Facilitation Council, led by 🇳🇴 & 🇿🇦 to provide high-level political leadership & advice to facilitate the work"-@DrTedros

"Your Excellency, President @CyrilRamaphosa, thank you for your outstanding leadership and support for the @ACTAccelerator"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"Minister @dagiulstein, thank you for your leadership as co-chair of the @ACTAccelerator Facilitation Council, and for joining us today"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"Since the earliest discussions about the @ACTAccelerator, and throughout the past year, the President of the @EU_Commission, @vonderleyen, has been a steadfast partner. I thank the President for her leadership & partnership"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"One of the first & most decisive calls we had early last year as the @ACTAccelerator was starting to take shape was with President @EmmanuelMacron of 🇫🇷. And President Macron has continued to take an active interest and to play an active role in the ACT Accelerator"-@DrTedros

"The strength of the @ACTAccelerator is that it has been supported strongly by governments all over the 🌍. I welcome three leaders who have been unwavering in their support: 🇮🇹 Prime Minister Mario Draghi, 🇷🇼 President Paul Kagame, & 🇪🇸 Prime Minister @sanchezcastejon"-@DrTedros

"WHO is proud to have played a leading role in the @ACTAccelerator, but we have only done so as part of the @UN, and with its support. It’s now my honour to introduce @AminaJMohammed, the Deputy-Secretary General of the United Nations"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"The strength of the @ACTAccelerator is its wide support from govts all over the 🌍. I’m now pleased to introduce @GayleSmith, the Global #COVID19 Coordinator from the 🇺🇸, @karinagould, 🇨🇦 Minister of International Development, & Mikhail Murashko, 🇷🇺 Minister of Health"-@DrTedros

"Civil society orgs play a vital role in every area of health – holding leaders to account, providing technical expertise, delivering services & giving voice to their communities. Peter Ngo’la Owiti is a CS representative on the @ACTAccelerator Facilitation Council"-@DrTedros

"Vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics would not exist at all without the private sector companies who develop and produce them. I welcome @ThomasCueni, the Director General @IFPMA, & John Denton, @ICCSecGen"-@DrTedros

"The @ACTAccelerator is a unique partnership that has involved the participation of 9 global health organizations, working together to build something that is truly much more than the sum of its parts"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

"Today I’m delighted to welcome the leaders of each of our partners: @GaviSeth, @DrDuneton, @ChrisJElias, @unicefchief, @Emma_Hannay, @DrRHatchett, Muhammed Pate, @PeterASands, & @carlbildt, our Special Envoy for the @ACTAccelerator & the former Prime Minister of 🇸🇪"-@DrTedros

"Thank you to all of you for your leadership & partnership, & I look forward to our continued collaboration in the months ahead as we work together to stop infections, save lives and end the #COVID19 pandemic"-@DrTedros #ACTogether

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