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(오러리) KR/EN translations for the 12 #LOONA #이달의소녀 members🌙 #artms #loossemble #chuu #yves | Part of fansub team: @gointosubbit

Apr 24, 2021, 7 tweets

210424 SBS Law of the Jungle (#LOONA Chuu included)
They all try the flagfish that was caught and grilled


They try octopus leg as well but it's very chewy/tough

Park Gun and Park Taehwan prepare yuja tea for the others in the morning

Working on something to sleep on
Cameraman: In a way, this isn't a good situation for sleeping, but you two seem happy?
Hyeyoon/Chuu: It isn't a good sleeping situation?
H: We're so happy right now
C: It's warm, it's like sleeping on a trampoline

Chuu and team lead Byungman start making fishing rods

He says Chuu sounds like an animation voice actor
They both love Frozen hence the thumbnail / Chuu singing a little from it

With the makeshift fishing rod they just made, Chuu catches her first fish ever within 10 seconds of starting
Then catches her second, 17 seconds later
(Pic 3: her trying to explain what the scary-looking fish looked like)

While picking some bok choy they found, Hyeyoon and Chuu both agree that malatang is great

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