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| Student of Knowledge | Freelance Journalist | Bylines on FP & IR for @dailytimespak | | CT and Security | | GeoPolitical Analyst |

Apr 25, 2021, 13 tweets

Amazing thread by @tequieremos about Amrullah Saleh's preposterous claims from his past.
Below is a [thread] on one of his latest preposterous claims about the Kabul University attack.
On November 2,2020, at least 22 people were killed & over 40 others were wounded after two 1/12

gunmen attacked the Kabul University. Soon after the attack, ISIS (Daesh) claimed the responsibility from the official channel even released images of the two attackers. Just a month before this barbaric attack,ISIS attacked an education center in Kabul killing 24. 2 similar 2/12

attacks in Quetta & Peshwar were carried out in the same period, one of which was also claimed by ISIS-KP.
Despite ISIS officially claiming the responsibility Amrullah Saleh quickly released the statement he is personally investigating the case. Taliban instantly denied 3/12

Infact blamed the Afgh govt for facilitating the attack. Here is Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid statement "Our Mujahideen never carry out attacks on educational institutes, public spaces or areas that have no military target" 4/12

But things took an interesting turn.
- Fake Video of ISIS surfaced on the internet claiming "We are not that Brutal, we deny any involvement in the Kabul attack" Majority of Afghan analysts called it fake including the famous Bilal Sarwary.(came before the official video) 5/12

In no time "Anti-Peace Talks" banners in Kabul University & roads of Kabul appeared. This practice of posting banners & pictures of criminals in Kabul was started by none other than Amrullah Saleh. Saleh resigned during Karzai after he initiated talks with Taliban in 2010 6/12

Hold on this is not the end Authorities released images of the crime scene with Taliban Flag & Graffiti as if the barbarians went not for the attack but for a political rally. This whole campaign was building up & part of this campaign was 7/12

ISIS fake video being sponsored on social media especially on different Facebook Pages. when was the last time any of you heard about ISIS running ads on Youtube & Facebook? Days after this Saleh as expected appeared claiming that NDS has arrested the mastermind of kabul 8/12

University attack & It turned out to be a member Haqqani Network ( Faction of Taliban Saleh claims that is supported by Pakistan's ISI), A year later 9/12

This year Afghanistan supreme court gave the ruling as per the statement "five other collaborators of the attack were sentenced to various jail terms on charges of treason, transfer of explosive materials and cooperation with Daesh". The court order mention no detail of any 10/12

involvement of Pakistan, Taliban/ Haqqani Network as claimed by Amrullah Saleh.
But the Anti-Talks campaign, Fake video, Pakistan bashing, Graffiti & Flags had nothing to do with Saleh taking charge of Kabul Security Chief just weeks ago before all of this. But apart from 11/12

that CIA backed Milliti under Amrullah command of NDS, like of Khost Protection Force (KPF), often feed US wrong intel resulting in civil deaths in Airstrikes & Drone strikes in Afghanistan. 12/12

*Militia, *Civilian

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