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Apr 27, 2021, 7 tweets

Introducing the President of the Employment Appeals Tribunal, Mr Justice Choudhury, who will be hearing the Forstater Appeal today and tomorrow.


Akhlaq Choudhury QC was a barrister specialising in commercial, employment, procurement, information and public law. He was appointed a Deputy High Court judge in 2016 and a High Court judge in 2017.

The Centre for Global Development is responding to Maya's Appeal. They are hoping that the original Judgment will be upheld.

Their President is Masood Ahmed.He joined the Centre in January 2017 following a 35-year career driving economic development policy initiatives.

Jane Russell from Essex Court Chambers will be representing CGD today in the Employment Appeal Tribunal.CGD will be referred to as the "Respondents" to the Appeal during the Hearing.

Ben Cooper QC will be representing Maya Forstater.
She will be referred to as the "Appellant" during the Hearing today.

Karon Monaghan QC will appear for the Equalities & Human Rights Commission, intervening in support of Maya Forstater’s appeal.

Aileen McColgan will appear for Index on Censorship, intervening in support of Maya Forstater’s appeal.

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