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A boring person who likes stuff. This year’s themes: Dragon Ball, Kinnikuman, Avan

Apr 30, 2021, 19 tweets

Age 739 (one of these days I’ll hit the 740s): with the destruction of their adopted home world, the Saiyans of U7 are reduced to a mere handful of survivors: Prince Vegeta IV, Nappa, and Bardock’s two sons, Raditz and Goku (née Kakarot) #HistoryofEver

And Vegeta’s younger brother, Tarble

And Paragus and Broly

And other Paragus and other Broly

And Goku Black

And time-traveling Bardock and the oh-so-mysterious Masked Saiyan

And these two guys, whoever the heck they are


But all of these people are definitely dead. So far as we know.

To close out the whole “destruction of Planet Vegeta” topic, some final notes on chronology. DBS: Broly opens with the caption “41 years ago”, leading into Cold’s arrival on Planet Vegeta and Broly’s exile. Then it jumps forward five years, to the planet’s destruction.

After the fireworks, we get the year scroller which starts at 737 and goes to 775 before finally settling on “the present”, the implication being that the main events of the film take place at some point past the year 775.

Even without trying to fit this in with dates given elsewhere, the film’s chronology is internally inconsistent: if the opening scene is both 41 years ago and 5 years before 737, this should make “the present” 773 rather than sometime after 775.

It seems likely that “41 years ago” was originally meant to refer to Planet Vegeta’s destruction rather than Broly’s exile 5 years earlier. In BoG Beerus has slept 39 years (implicitly not long before the planet’s demise) and a 2 year gap between BoG and DBS: Broly roughly fits

41 years after 739 would be 780, Bra’s official birth year and so by extension the year of the Tournament of Power, which is consistent with the film’s “present day” scenes being set not too long after the tournament. 780 is also 2 years after 778, BoG’s official date

With all that in mind, if you’re OK ignoring most of the onscreen years in DBS: Broly, the timeline looks something like this:
732: Vegeta born
734: Cold retires, Broly exiled
736~737: Goku born
739: Planet Vegeta destroyed
749: Goku meets Bulma
778: BoG
780: ToP, DBS: Broly

On the other hand, if you’re not comfortable ignoring the years shown onscreen in DBS: Broly, we can keep 737 for Planet Vegeta’s destruction and calculate from there, although getting the “41 years” thing to work still seems hopeless.

And that’s my TED Talk! If there’s anything I left out, screw it.

On Tuesday: the grandfather clause!

Thanks to @DBReduxTDC for help with Broly chronology and whatnot

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