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Apr 30, 2021, 6 tweets

Gujarat| Fire breaks out at a COVID-19 care centre in Bharuch. Affected patients are being shifted to nearby hospitals. Details awaited.

“According to primary information, probably 12 people have been killed in the incident of fire at Patel Welfare Hospital’s dedicated COVID-19 care centre at 12:30 pm in Bharuch,” says police

It's an unfortunate incident not only for us but for entire Bharuch. With Police & admn's help, we could shift patients to other hospitals. 14 patients & 2 staff nurses lost their lives in the incident: Zuber Patel, trustee of the COVID care centre in Bharuch where fire broke out

Gujarat: Fire broke out at a #COVID19 care centre in Bharuch last night. 16 people, including 14 patients, died in the incident.

#UPDATE | Sixteen patients and two nursing staff died in the fire at the ICU ward of Welfare Hospital COVID care center in Bharuch, Gujarat. ASP Bharuch is investigating the matter: IG Harikrishna Patel

Bharuch | The FSL team will conduct a detailed inquiry. On the basis of inquiry by the FSL team and police, we will submit a report on the incident: Additional Chief Secretary for Labour & Employment, Vipul Mitra

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