Paul Rosenberg Profile picture
"As through this world I travel, I meet lots of funny men. Some will rob you with a six-gun, and some with a fountain pen." --Woody Guthrie, "Pretty Boy Floyd"

May 1, 2021, 12 tweets

"You know who's not canceled? The endless parade of conservative pundits and politicians complaining about 'cancel culture.' You know who is canceled? George Floyd is canceled." Turn off the gaslight. #ConservativeCancelCulture is real. 1/12…

"Cancel culture" is a meaningless term, @mmfa editor @ParkerMolloy writes. But "For conservatives, that meaninglessness is a feature, not a bug," I note. "Those words mean whatever a right-wing accuser needs them to mean in the moment": 2/12…

But there are two constraints on what "cancel culture" means: that it's new & comes only from the left. The truth is exactly the opposite: #ConservativeCancelCulture #gaslighting 3/12

Just a few highlights of #ConservativeCancelCulture in US history (Notice how often Blacks & immigrants the ones being cancelled? Coincidence? Not so much!): 4/12

But the term "cancel culture" is new. And @CAMcGrady explains how the white grievence usage is so tellingly at odds with its black-coined meaning: 5/12…

In bills suppressing voting rights (361 bills/47 states) & BLM-style protests (81 bills/34 states)
#ConservativeCancelCulture has gone wild this year. But education attacks date back to William F. Buckley's first book, as @FAIRmediawatch noted: 6/12…

The abrupt suspension of 52 class sections at Boise State University in March--affecting 1300 students over a rumored accusation--was a wild over-reaction years in the making. PoliSci prof @donmoyn saw it coming at UW Madison, wrote 2017 NYT warning: 7/12…

Here's some of what @donmoyn told me about what led him to write that op-ed: 8/12

"Attacking universities became a staple of the far right, propelled by an entire ecosystem of media funded by donors like the Koch or DeVos families," @donmoyn told me, but worse was the mainstream acceptance: 9/12

Conservative free speech controversies are primarily trolling by a handful of provocateurs: 10/12

But that's not the only form trolling takes, as @alicesperi reported for @theintercept: 11/12…

These are just some highlights. Read the whole story here: #ConservativeCancelCulture #gaslighting

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