Henrik Palmgren 🇸🇪 ᛟ Profile picture
Konung @redicetv ᛟ Rus wife, father of two Varangians & one little Valkyrie ᛏ https://t.co/JWnZrk20Po ⨁ https://t.co/xNUVxIoIMc ⨁ https://t.co/Yu6psHYrI5 ⨁ https://t.co/t4uYPPQIwx

May 3, 2021, 9 tweets

Good time to do a BEST OF from the detached billionaires world of Bill and Melinda Gates

#BillGates #BillMelindaGates #MelindaGates

One of my favorites

They are not wrong but these people should be in no position to say who should go.

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