Henrik Palmgren 🇸🇪 ᛟ Profile picture
Konung @redicetv ᛏ Rus wife with two little Varangians & one Valkyrie ᛟ https://t.co/JzVClVAmps ⨁ https://t.co/xBSFWaHMF5 ⨁ https://t.co/Yu6psHXTSx ⨁ https://t.co/t4uYPPQaGZ ⨁
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Aug 11, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Susan Wojcicki, the former YouTube CEO, just accidentally (of course) happened to rent her garage to the Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Paige when they first got started (with CIA seed money). Then also accidentally (of course) her sister Ann Wojcicki, married Sergey Brin and she co-founded the "direct to consumer DNA testing company" 23andMe a year after they were married. (DNA testing companies sell the genetic data and look into who is subsidizing the sequencing ...making it much more affordable). One big happy coincidence. Google's true origin partly lies in CIA and NSA research grants for mass surveillance Image
Aug 10, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
A few favorite memories of Susan:

1. Shutting down thought criminals and pro-White voices 2. Susan was proud that YouTube banned 1 million videos informing people about the dangers of the Covid vaccine.

Wonder how many lives could have been saved or how many women still would have their fertility if they would have been exposed to any of those videos.
Jan 20, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Ben Shapiro/Daily Wire has the official seal of "untouchable" by YouTube CEO Susan. Listen to what she says: "Ben Shapiro is going to meet the community guidelines." How does she know that? Because he's off limits and will be allowed to stay.

It's a club and you ain't in it. Certain content HAS TO meet the guidelines and Ben Shapiro/Daily Wire is part of that.

The Daily Wire is an top-down approved "stem valve" where conservatives are allowed to frolic in a restricted play pen.
Jan 5, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
If there is ever an open conflict between NATO and Russia, officials with NATO have said that Swedish armed forces will be sent first, before UK or USA.

Great job idiots! What wasn't a conflict for Sweden has become Sweden's most risky, dangerous looming war crisis in 109 years. You can largely thank Magdalena Andersson, the former (and first female) PM of Sweden and clubber enthusiast Sanna Marin in Finland for this.

Apr 29, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Clown Evan McLaren - another lolcow that was "working" with Richard Spencer for a few years - turns his coat in the direction the wind blows and tries to disassociate from his old "bad" past as a "White advocate" or whatever they actually believed in.

... Despite claiming the contrary in his substack post (yikes) the reason why he is doing this is to try to repair his internet search results so that liberals and leftists knows he is a "good boy" now ...
Apr 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Sep 28, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
Massive explosion (bomb) has gone off in an apartment complex in Annedal, Gothenburg, Sweden. Three stairwells/entrances evacuated. Hundreds of tenants forced out. Triage on location. 23 people (at least) are seriously injured, probably more.

99.9% chance this is diversity. Some sources claim that a Swedish police who worked on criminal immigrant gangs lived in one of the apartments in this complex and he most likely was the target. This might also be a immigrant gang feud. Plenty of those in Gothenburg.

Replacing the Swedish people is so exciting.
Sep 27, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Why didn't she pull this one down? This is one of the most disgusting things I've seen. Image Why is it always like this? Image
Sep 11, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Don’t tell the that’s a red Kabbalah bracelet on Tucker’s wrist. Yikes, one of the club huh?
Jul 19, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
The media are not only fucking insane they are consciously murderous in their intent. Do the Biden regime and state TV like CNN not understand what kind of hatred and violence will be unleashed on these 12 people that they lists as the source for "vaccine/health misinformation?" The regime & their media are now basically driving a narrative that if you have not been vaccinated you are a murderer and if you - in any way speak about potential negative health effects of the experimental covid jab - you are basically committing a genocide.
May 3, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Good time to do a BEST OF from the detached billionaires world of Bill and Melinda Gates

#BillGates #BillMelindaGates #MelindaGates
Feb 6, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Social democrats are turning off power plants in Sweden. Ringhals 2 was turned off end of December. Rolling blackouts is now a possibility. Nothing new is built. There's no "green" energy solutions. They want us to freeze to death. group.vattenfall.com/press-and-medi…

di.se/nyheter/ny-rap… This is from 2017
Dec 29, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I take great joy in the fact that a large segment of the censorious financial sector will be replaced by decentralized finance & blockchain in the next 5-10 years. You middle-men banker pricks will all loose your jobs in the near future & you spineless parasites truly deserve it! Some clearinghouses like @TSYS_TSS & @FirstData (who both banned Red Ice after far-left pressure) are some of the institutions that will go under. Right now they control large segments of the transactions world. They are too big and slow to adapt in time & they will not last.
Oct 11, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
It's comical but 4 out of these 6 men are FBI agents / informants. (see clip below). The majority of the men involved in the "foiled" FBI operation to grab Whitmer were feds.

Sting operations is FBI's specially. They encourage violence and rope up guys in a plan they outline. "If you are in a milita, be VERY afraid"

"The FBI has infiltrated your group"
Oct 11, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read

Communists are blaming the "foiled" FBI sting operation to kidnap Gov. Whitmer in Michigan on Crowder, Tim Pool, Ben Shapiro and basically anyone they don't like who still have a sizable YouTube channel. Clearly EVERYONE listed here needs to be banned from YOUTUBE, stat:
Sep 10, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
PewDiePie is donating $50,000 to the ADL he says in his latest video. The ADL is the biggest culprit in coercing YouTube into censoring content creators & stifling free speech online. They do not fight bigotry & hate, they smear people who are exposing it. Image For reference, the ADL resently released a “hitlist” of undesirables that they wanted removed from the publisher YouTube’s website. YouTube have complied on almost all accounts, despite no terms of service violations: adl.org/blog/despite-y…
Sep 9, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
We were told that Barbara Spectre of Paideia in Sweden who want to replace the Europeans with migrants held no significant power or influence. Now she is meeting with Rothschild’s in Israel to “Achieve Unified Vision For Global Jewry.”
H/T @Know_More_News @Know_More_News Why don't you tell us how you REALLY feel Barbara Spectre.
Jul 7, 2019 8 tweets 4 min read
Jeffrey #Epstein - of pedophile island fame - arrested by the FBI for sex trafficking of minors. A LOT of big names, high up the establishment’s circles, could be roped up in this. Let’s take the pedo network down!
#EpsteinIsland #EpsteinArrested

nbcnews.com/news/us-news/b… This is some of the weird stuff going on at Saint James AKA Pedo Island:
