Eric Topol Profile picture
physician-scientist, author, editor. Ground Truths:

May 4, 2021, 5 tweets

A country that has prevailed vs B.1.1.7
Those states that were in trouble?
No longer the case. In descent or flat.
Overall cases are down 30%, hospitalizations and deaths down ~10% over the past 2 weeks

Here's the lineage (variant) map of the US through the pandemic, based on 360,000 sequences. Dark blue is B.1.1.7 that became dominant throughout. The only other major variant competing now is P.1 (Brazil) at 2% prevalence…

By getting nearly 150 million Americans vaccinated, the US averted pronounced surges, the worst seen in many countries, such as the UK and Israel, and throughout most of Europe

Instead, we just had a B.1.1.7 bump.
Had Americans not come together to get all the vaccinations done, including many days getting shots for well over 1% of the whole population, this would not have been the case.

But we've still got work to do. With >50,000 new cases a day we are nowhere near containment like the UK and Israel. That 5-15X gap is associated with a 10-15% more population vaccinated. If we can get that done, summer will be a time to celebrate.

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