ScottishPanda 🇬🇧 Profile picture
Lincoln “I should regret to see the day in which the people should cease to express intelligent, honest generous criticism upon the policy of their rulers.”

May 4, 2021, 19 tweets

[thread] I used a comedian recently about where the threshold was in a joke that went too far

I will introduce you to that at the end of a picture round of questions

What would you find it *unacceptable* for a politician to beg/mis-use money for?

At what point do you *CARE"

1. Essential foods?

2. Essential toiletries…

3. "liver and bacon"

4. Red wine

5. A new bicycle

6. A new car

7. A holiday get away

8. All the add ons that come with the holiday get away

A private jet

9. A charter boat

10. A nanny

11. To redecorate

12. Some "home tuition"

So I have stopped at 12

If you aren't concerned at the ethics of a PM

When in the fuck will you be?

M. Thatcher 1963

"The Prime Minister is a man of the highest integrity and honour and should not, therefore, suffer for someone whose standards were not as high as his own.”

"The Office of National Statistics has released its provisional update of the UK Average Salary 2019, showing that the average full-time salary is £36,611 and average part-time salary is £12,495."…

So to those of you who manage to survive on a salary or income less than Boris Johnson

I commend you

You have not had to beg or misuse public funds to live in this country

Here is Liz Truss demonstrating

A decade of Tory rule

And what was it

Oh yes "a country that works for everyone"

Here is a thread on that comedian & Boris with his words on "let it rip" & "let the bodies piled high"

I have chosen to juxtapose it with a report from June 2020 from "Conservative" MPs & ministers who wanted to EXPLOIT coronavirus to hide brexit in

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