Andy Kim Profile picture
Running to represent New Jersey in the U.S. Senate. 3-term Dem Congressman and public servant. Dad to two troublemaking little boys. Text “ANDY” to 89754

May 4, 2021, 6 tweets

My wife wasn’t thrilled when I put this Lego Millennium Falcon on our wedding registry. To not seem completely self-indulgent, I told her I’d wait until we had kids to build it. Today, after 10 patient years, the adventure begins. #MayThe4th #MayThe4thBeWithYou

UPDATE #1: Kids started with Darth Vader and Chewbacca. Then fought epic battles and lost focus. 45 pieces down, 1209 to go. We have built something that looks like a chassis for the falcon. Will keep you posted on progress. This may take another 10 years

UPDATE #2: I heard some noise that woke me up at 630am and came downstairs to find my 5 yr old boy working on the Falcon by himself. He did a couple of big build steps all on his own. I’m a proud dad this morning.

UPDATE #3: My boys spent the day at school scheming a better way to organize pieces and settled on color coded. This allows us to be much faster. Love to see them problem solve and work towards efficiency. Kids were so happy when finished Stage 1 that they did celebratory dance

UPDATE #4: Millennium Falcon lego construction grinded to a halt as tensions flared in Kim household. Competition over sought after work assignments hit breaking point with complaints like “that’s my piece” “my turn” and “I want to do.” Mediators are hard at work to fix breakdown

Millennium Falcon Finished! The boys promptly asked if I can get the Falcon displayed in the Capitol building. Thanks everyone for cheering us along! I haven’t seen my wife this amused in a while. Boys are totally hooked on LEGOs. They are asking “what next?” Any thoughts?

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