Dave Rubin Profile picture
Florida Man

May 4, 2021, 10 tweets

Since it’s #MayThe4th, allow me to once again state that the Star Wars prequels continue to get better and better as the years go on. The story of a broken political machine being manipulated by corrupt politicians to accumulate power is what we are seeing in real time.

They tell us to stay in our homes, keep us away from friends and family...

Of course they don’t want to to it, but that have to do it for us...

And don’t worry guys, it’s just temporary, two weeks to flatten the curve...

And we cheer them on as benevolent leaders as they travel, keep us locked down and eat at French Laundry...

The few, good remaining liberals are shocked as the plot hatched on their watch...

All because a few people had a cough...

Alas good people are starting to have enough and are finally ready to push back.

But they need help so speak up now while you still can...

And most importantly always remember...

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