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Fine Art equines Fashion stylist/sustainability consultant #Welsh w/c Newport HorseRacing Libertarian 💜🙂 AntiGlobalist Pr: Us v Them 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏇🐏👠🌸

May 5, 2021, 7 tweets

@waiterich @TyRBeal @matthewhayek @NutritionMadeS3 @NicholasDCarter @brentloken @jessfanzo Once more, this is pseudoscience constructed without regard for other human consumerism all in battle for same resources. Land use, eg destroying China's pasture at rate of 1.5 million a yr is what is driving their soya feed for pigs, and its for WASTEFUL models of business which

@waiterich @TyRBeal @matthewhayek @NutritionMadeS3 @NicholasDCarter @brentloken @jessfanzo we did perfectly well with until a few decades ago. Indeed livestock while they may use up a lot of land, it is often marginal or sparing pastures to recover, and shared with the most robust biodiversity next to the rotten evils of monocrops pesticides, chemical fertilizers &

@waiterich @TyRBeal @matthewhayek @NutritionMadeS3 @NicholasDCarter @brentloken @jessfanzo extra resources need for them whereas livestock provided tallow butter wool leather etc from same the MOST sustainable/bioddegradable. I have no clue how you sleep at night Richard not taking this on board, and weaving a construct which thankfully the public can see right through

@waiterich @TyRBeal @matthewhayek @NutritionMadeS3 @NicholasDCarter @brentloken @jessfanzo I see when your patrons at the WRI include global corporates invested in greenwash and hypocrisy like IKEA who BROKE the model of sustainable furniture that lasts CENTURIES for disposable furniture that doesn't last, and commits to constant use of resources, AND deforestation

@waiterich @TyRBeal @matthewhayek @NutritionMadeS3 @NicholasDCarter @brentloken @jessfanzo you may be compromised, but I appeal to your better nature to STOP this nonsense & tell truth about whose businesses really destroying environment rather than scapegoating meat. Of course, that wouldn't make Mr Gates one your other patrons happy would it? Pipers & tunes...

@waiterich @TyRBeal @matthewhayek @NutritionMadeS3 @NicholasDCarter @brentloken @jessfanzo The entire construct of food systems is nothing but pseudoscientific fraud & attack on livestock: antithesis of sustainability: Orwellian doublethink shame on the lot of you involved in the con of the ages, and taking the integrity of science down with it

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