Whipps Cross Maternity Profile picture
Maternity Unit with state-of-the-art alongside midwifery unit & homebirth services in Waltham Forest, East London.

May 5, 2021, 6 tweets

A thread:
1/ It has been an incredibly busy day in our unit today! We have of course been celebrating #IDM2021 with our senior leaders serving tea & cake to all! We are so proud to have such a dedicated, friendly team & we are immensely grateful for the contributions they make...

2/ every single day! Not to mention the challenges that we've faced together during the #COVID19 #pandemic. Their selfless commitment to our local community & our families was absolutely astounding; past, present & we know it will continue in the future

3/ one such #midwife that demonstrated this dedication every day, is Anne; a senior midwife based in triage, Anne has been a superstar, manning triage superbly, promoting safety & being that smiling, reassuring face. Anne received a special #DOM #award from @ShirlpetersonR

4/ So whilst we took the time to appreciate our midwives, student midwives & MCA's today & spread some joy as part of #IDM2021, we appreciate you all every day. For going the extra mile, for putting our families' comfort before your own, for being late for your personal plans

5/ due to a late birth. In the many ways you sacrifice - we appreciate you... #LoveYourMidwife #perceptionsofmidwifery @WhippsCrossHosp @debbie50308613 @felcasca @AlanGurney6 @RosieDoman

6/ Sadly today, amongst the celebrations, a few staff members went to say a #ForeverGoodbye to a well loved MCA with us for 26 years. A deeply private & humble woman, we thank her for her long service & love she brought to our unit. We will remember her always ♥️

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