Dr Janaway Profile picture
Psychiatrist. Down the rabbit hole. Trying to reconcile Kant, Nietzsche, psychodynamics and clinical psychiatry.

May 6, 2021, 23 tweets

Medical specialties as Pokemon, a thread. Yep. Another one of these.

..gotta catch em all...


1) Allergy/Immunology - Vileplume

An expert on poisons and dangerous dust, these creatures are ones to go to on anything red, itchy, and a little bit feverish.

Strengths: sedation, immune suppression
Weaknesses: sedation, immune suppression, microbiologists

2) Anesthetics - Drowzee

This wild beast excels at knocking out its enemies. Often found sleepy itself, it relies on caffeine and datix to stay awake

Strengths: sleep power, cannulation
Weaknesses: consciousness, conversation, nephrology

3) Critical care/ICU - Mewtwo

Rare and mistakenly feared, this one is an expert in control. Don't be fooled by its hard demeanour and side-eye, it's listening to everything. Is it the machine?

Strengths: peep, vasopressors
Weaknesses: powercuts, government resource allocation

4) Dermatology - Persian

This preening beauty is often found strutting majestically around watering holes. It may be distracting, but don't make any rash judgements, it's queen for a reason.

Strengths: precision, salve attack
Weaknesses: fire types, immunology lite, starbucks

5) Radiology - Porygon

Created by computers and always plugged in, this expert leads in reading others. With super x-ray powers, it can spot an enemy a mile off. Hunt at night only.

Strengths: x-ray, clinical correlation
Weaknesses: sunlight, contrast medium, babadook

6) Emergency Medicine - Mankey

Fierce, unpredictable, and always ready for the next challenge, it's all about the first interaction. Get it done, in and out. A key player.

Strengths: agility, a keen eye
Weaknesses: Saturday night, 4-hour limits, psych liaison

7) Palliative Care - Chansey

Nurturing, reliable, and empathic, these are the carers and the steady hand when times get tough. Experts in soothing and sense, and always there if you need them.

Strengths: being bloody awesome
Weaknesses: undervalued

8) Geriatrics - Omanyte

Hardy, patient, and methodical, they may move slow but they leave a mark. Resilient under pressure, this quiet lot are experts in the mystical ways. Not fans of opiates.

Strengths: social assessment, care packages
Weaknesses: polypharmacy, constipation

9) Cardiology - Arcanine

Intimidating but understandably so, these powerful beasts spring into action when the chips are down. With a keen sense of smell, they can spot a raised troponin a mile off.

Strengths: dual antiplatelets, OP follow-up
Weaknesses: nephrology, ink leaks

10) Endocrinology - Parasect

Another creature rarely seen in the light of day, it's often found clinging to mess sofas. The large mushroom on its back contains insulin. Oddly into urine.

Strengths: hba1c, gp follow up
Weaknesses: fructose, underfilled sample bottles, lithium

11) Gastroenterology - Arbok

Watch out for this one, just as likely to take a bite as shove something down your gullet. An expert in all things gripey, and never found alone.

Strengths: speed, surprise, omeprazole
Weaknesses: post-take, anti-platelets, chunderdragon

12) Haematology - Golbat

Often found hanging upside down, these blood-suckers are obsessed with your precious life force. One bite is never enough. Pretty damn good at dealing with poison.

Strengths: accuracy, rouleaux formation
Weaknesses: rhesus positivity, garlic, the spleen

13) Infectious disease - Koffing

This one is all things creepy crawly, spluttery poorly. King of the coughs and prince of the pus, often found lurking in the dingy and smelly. But right now, heroes.

Strengths: tazocin, mandatory IC training
Weaknesses: tazocin, dave from ortho

14) Respiratory - Ninetales

With its myriad appendages, it is ready for anything, and struts like it owns the place. Clever, and resourceful with super-breath, vulnerable to poison types.

Strengths: oxygen blast, salbutamol nebs
Weaknesses: smoking, fluid overload

15) Nephrology - Alakazam

By far the most intelligent beastie, this one scares the crap out of cardiology. Never worried about a bit of dry nephron, these are the guardians of the glomerulus.

Strengths: intelligence, banana guards
Weaknesses: cardiologists, gentamicin

16) Paediatrics - Mr (or miss) Mime

Great with the young and always ready to make you smile, but don't be fooled by their chirpy demeanour, these are badasses. Always have colds tho. Sometimes find it hard to let go!

Strengths: calpol, friendliness
Weaknesses: parents, ouchies

17) Neurology - Farfetch'd

A curious and intelligent foe, this one glides in and out but little holds its interest. Obsessed with tests and tendon hammers, it usually just ends up giving steroids anyway

Strengths: computed tomography, IVIg
Weaknesses: lead, ticks, psych

18) Public health - Articuno

Soaring above and watching all of us, this has the power to freeze disease in its tracks. When its not being filmed, it spends it time taking care of us all.

Strengths: omnipotence, next slide please
Weaknesses: government contracts, naomi wolf

19) General Practice - Ditto

The ultimate adapter, this one can deal with any challenge and assimilate it quickly. Although seemingly not an expert in anything, its an expert in everything! The real MVP.

Strengths: knowledge
Weaknesses: paperwork, 'gp to kindly..', back pain

20) Psychiatry - Slowpoke

Okay, it usually takes a few hours to turn up and longer to have a chat, but don't be fooled, this one isn't just a dopey grin. Master of mental states, and reassurer of registrars.

Strengths: zen, empathy
Weaknesses: szasz enthusiasts, projection

i spent too much time on this. thank god I'm in psychiatry.

Yall looking for rheumatology its just inner derm.

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