Yinka Chukwuemeka Ogunnubi Profile picture
Husband, Father.... Aspiring Pensioner! #ProudlyNigerian

May 7, 2021, 8 tweets


Total Revenue 2011 - N43.02 Billion
Total Revenue 2020 - N48.24 Billion
Percentage Decrease - 12%

IGR 2011 - N2.49 Billion
IGR 2020 - N8.72 Billion
Percentage Increase - 250%

FAAC 2011 - N40.53 Bn
FAAC 2020 - N39.52 Bn
Percentage Decrease - 2.5%


2011 - N29.00 Billion
2020 - N123.98 Billion
Percentage Increase - 328%


Debt Per Capita - Ekiti State

2011 - N10,352.62
2020 - N37,904.83
Percentage Increase - 266%

*2016 Population Figures


Debt to Revenue Ekiti State

2011 - 67%
2020 - 257%

Percentage Increase 284%


Share of Total Revenue - Ekiti State

- IGR: 6%
- FAAC: 94%

- IGR: 18%
- FAAC: 82%


Ekiti State - IGR Breakdown (2018 - 2020)

PAYE - 54%
Other Taxes - 25%
MDA's - 16%
Direct Assessment - 4%
Road Tax - 1%


Ekiti State - Number of persons employed Vs unemployed per sq km (2020)

- Employed: 155
- Unemployed - 74
- Not in Labour Force - 122
- Unemployment rate 32.21% (National Avg 33.3%)


*Correction - Percentage Increase - 12%

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