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May 7, 2021, 7 tweets

#ExecutiveDecision | "We are producing 1000 tonnes of liquid #oxygen every day": TV Narendran, CEO and MD, Tata Steel

#ExecutiveDecision | "There are several companies downstream that depend on liquid #oxygen. When we divert all the liquid oxygen to hospitals, they are deprived of it. It has an impact on economic activities": TV Narendran, CEO and MD, Tata Steel


#ExecutiveDecision | "The second wave caught everyone off guard. We thought we would be able to tackle it better": Dr Abhay Soi, Chairman and MD, Max Healthcare


#ExecutiveDecision | "Situation has improved in the last two days": Dr Abhay Soi, Chairman and MD, Max Healthcare on #oxygen crisis

#ExecutveDecision | "Need to chase the virus, need to anticipate its direction and then lockdown those areas": Dr Abhay Soi, Chairman and MD, Max Healthcare


#ExecutiveDecision | "The decision to implement lockdown has been left to the states; I think it is a good move": Dr Naushad Forbes, Co-Chair, Forbes Marshall

#ExceutiveDecision | "India has been caught off guard, some of this could have been predicted": Dr Naushad Forbes, Co-Chair, Forbes Marshall


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