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JJ. Ran polling at @10downingstreet, talk to the public for a living. Entrepreneur and co-founder of @jlpartnerspolls and @j_l_partners. jjohnson@jlpartners.com

May 7, 2021, 9 tweets

*NEW: @JLPartnersPolls on why people voted the way they did, for @Channel4News*

The top reason given for not voting Labour on Thursday was Keir Starmer’s leadership. This was followed by not agreeing with Labour’s policies, or worrying that they did not have any at all. (1/9)

A representative sample of 1,741 adults in England were asked just before & on Polling Day the main reason they voted.

Asked why they did not vote Labour, the top words written were “policies”, “Starmer”, “leader” and people saying they “don’t trust” the party. (2/9)

Concerns about Starmer focus on him being weak, opportunistic, and not standing for anything.

Here is a representative selection of the things they said. (3/9)

Of those who voted Lab in 2019, but voted for other parties yesterday, 17% say they did so to vote tactically. But 16% also cite Starmer's leadership.

A defector to the Greens said “Keir Starmer is a weak leader”. A 29-year old former Lab voter said “they have no policies” (4/9)

Looking at why people voted Conservative, competence is key.

Voters said they voted for them because they had done a good job, had performed well during the pandemic, and that they like Boris Johnson. (5/9)

Those who did vote Labour did so because they say the party shares their values, or that they are the only way to beat the Conservatives.

Only 1% said it was because they like Keir Starmer. (6/9)

Finally, looking at those who voted for smaller parties and independents, the top reason was because of a good candidate locally.

The environment, as well as dissatisfaction with the main parties, also saw voters going over to the Greens. (7/9)

This might suggest that support for smaller parties could go down at a future general election, if Labour can squeeze them.

But there is no doubt that Labour’s brand is besieged from every angle. (8/9)

They are seen as divided, bad for the economy, lacking policies, not left enough for the Left and too left for the Right – & the leadership is their biggest drawback.

Tune into @channel4news now for @GaryGibbonC4 package - and full results here: jlpartners.co.uk/local-elections (9/9)

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