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VP of Developer Community @ MSFT - Code, OSS, STEM, Beyoncé, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇿🇼#T1D, #DevRel YouTube+TikTok listen to the @Hanselminutes inclusive tech podcast!

May 8, 2021, 11 tweets

At my mom’s house and found this treasure trove of #StarTrek @StarTrek toys from my childhood. Exquisitely maintained. 1/x

At my mom’s house and found this treasure trove of #StarTrek @StarTrek toys from my childhood. Exquisitely maintained. 2/x

At my mom’s house and found this treasure trove of #StarTrek @StarTrek toys from my childhood. Exquisitely maintained. 3/x

At my mom’s house and found this treasure trove of #StarTrek @StarTrek toys from my childhood. Exquisitely maintained. 4/x

At my mom’s house and found this treasure trove of #StarTrek @StarTrek toys from my childhood. Exquisitely maintained. 5/x

At my mom’s house and found this treasure trove of #StarTrek @StarTrek toys from my childhood. Exquisitely maintained. 6/x

At my mom’s house and found this treasure trove of #StarTrek @StarTrek toys from my childhood. Exquisitely maintained. 7/x some never opened in 40 years

At my mom’s house and found this treasure trove of #StarTrek @StarTrek toys from my childhood. Exquisitely maintained. And finally, I printed this Mr Spock out in ASCII on Printer Paper circa 1981? 8/x

At my mom’s house and found this treasure trove of #StarTrek @StarTrek toys from my childhood. Exquisitely maintained. 9/x

At my mom’s house and found this treasure trove of #StarTrek @StarTrek toys from my childhood. Exquisitely maintained. Celebrating 20 years of Star Trek - in 1986 10/x

A letter from Starfleet for the #StarTrek IV premiere in Portland with @NichelleIsUhura and a signed poster

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