Scott Hanselman 🌮 Profile picture
VP of Developer Community @ MSFT - Code, OSS, STEM, Beyoncé, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇿🇼#T1D, #DevRel YouTube+TikTok listen to the @Hanselminutes inclusive tech podcast!
6 subscribers
Oct 29, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
So my son lost his AirPods. He says they were stolen out of his bag at school. We look on Find my Devices and they are a few miles away. We see them move around, then return to the same house. Lots of teachable moments here for my son so let’s go. Call the cops? Bust in on them? He’s got plans. He’s 14. I suggest maybe we just ask. But they stole them, he says. We don’t know that. Let’s just ask. So we drive over. I see a gent in his yard with his son. I say hi, quick question! My son dropped his AirPods walking by and I wonder if anyone found them?
May 8, 2021 11 tweets 12 min read
At my mom’s house and found this treasure trove of #StarTrek @StarTrek toys from my childhood. Exquisitely maintained. 1/x ImageImageImage At my mom’s house and found this treasure trove of #StarTrek @StarTrek toys from my childhood. Exquisitely maintained. 2/x ImageImageImageImage
Apr 22, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Can hardly believe it. This is Windows 10 in 2021. Installing UbuntuGIMPGimp Current status: running Internet Explorer on Wine on WSLg on Windows 10 BECAUSE I CAN Image
Jan 31, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Pro tip: stop worrying about the algorithm, and just make things that make you happy, feed your spirit, and that you think other people will like. In that order. No joke, I really try not to look at any analytics, I care more about comments than page views, I haven’t looked at the stats from my blog or my YouTube. Looking at analytics only gives me stress, making stuff does not stress me out, so I try to optimize for *not stress.*
Jan 30, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
Will they know? In celebration of my own YouTube reaching 100k subscribers, let’s make a thread of emerging technical YouTubers! I ask that you:

1. Take one moment and subscribe to them
2. RT and share with your college us to subscribe!
3. Leave then an encouraging comment!
Jan 24, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
When the Reply Guys are speaking English but with all the wrong words and in the wrong order. I really really really avoid saying “maybe google me before replying” but I think it. It’s hubris. Something to watch for in one’s self.
Dec 26, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Is this #HBOMax #WW84 film grain a compression artifact or was this intentional? The film is glorious but the grain is overwhelmingly distracting. I’ve been looking closely at this and here’s what I thing. #ww84 added a film grain to get that 80s look, but expected the film to be on a big screen at a FAR FAR higher bitate. Whatever codec that #HBOMax is using is emphasizing the grain to the point of distraction.
Sep 21, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
After a week of virtual high school here’s the virdict - online document management is a hot mess. It’s a mishmash and URLs, PDFs, google docs, links to docs, attachments, and proprietary comment systems. Underpowered Chromebooks struggling to zoom, PDFs with no way to markup. Watching my kids get a crash course in online document management. We are stuck at 80% as an industry and we have no standards other than nasty looking URLs, OAuth, and the clipboard. The kids are the integration point and everyone is struggling.
Sep 2, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
We are on vacation and my son is putting hats on animals. Enjoy. 1/x Image We are on vacation and my son is putting hats on animals. Enjoy. 2/x Image
May 2, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
First, welcome to your new life! Ask questions! Find a work buddy with whom you feel comfortable asking any tech question. Never let anyone make you feel bad asking a question - there are no dumb questions. Ask a lot. Draw diagrams. Read code. Reassert your assumptions. Breathe. Build a network of positivity and mute or block negativity (online and off). Learn git and learn to type fast - it narrows the distance between your brain and getting the code out of your brain. Save EVERYTHING. Collect links, code, samples, beyond stackoveflow.
Jul 31, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
The internal Microsoft Standards of Business Conduct SEASON 3: INFINITY NELSON has launched today! It's happening! #SBCU (follow this thread backwards) #nospoilers ATTENTION NEW MICROSOFT EMPLOYEES - if you are just now starting the *Standards of Business Conduct - Season 3: Infinity Nelson* and haven’t watched Seasons 1 and 2, stop! Watch them here first (internal URL)
Jun 8, 2019 14 tweets 9 min read
I don’t speak in hyperbole very often, and I want to make sure that you all understand what a big deal this is for the diabetes DIY community. Everything that we’ve worked for for the last 20 years, it all changes now. #WeAreNotWaiting Every diabetic engineer every, the day after they were diagnosed, tries to solve their (or their loved one's) diabetes with open software and open hardware. Every one. I did it in the early 90s. Someone diagnosed today will do this tomorrow. Every time.
May 20, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
It’s kind of bad that one political party says it’s the party of biz and entrepreneurship when the number one thing keeping folks from starting a biz + quitting their regular jobs isn’t capital - it’s healthcare. Give us universal healthcare and millions of businessss will start. I speak to hundreds of businesses, even ones with 10-15 employees often have no healthcare. And there’s two kinds of people at those companies. Folks that buy healthcare on the open market who are young and healthy, or people like me who have A Thing and pay triple or have none.
Jan 4, 2019 13 tweets 3 min read
A number of people asked me what projects, what code, what open source I did over the long holiday. ZERO. I did squat. I played video games, in fact. A bunch of them. I felt a little guilty then I got over it.… I'm not a big gamer but I like a good story. I do single player with a plot. I consider a well-written video game to be up there with a good book or a great movie. I like a narrative and a beginning and end. Since it was the holidays, it did require some thought to play games.
Jul 16, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Every year we do "Standards of Business" Training at work. Usually it's vignettes and a quiz, but the last few years it's been, like, PRODUCED. I mean, actors, plot-lines, backstabbing, and I👏🏼AM👏🏼GRIPPED. They've turned our ethics training into a telenovella. SO GOOD. This guy is learning what happens when you're sloppy with security permissions. HE IS SO SAD.
May 12, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
Sure. Not too complex. Thread -> .NET is a family.
* Core runs on containers, many Linuxes, Windows and Mac. OSS, moves fast.
* Framework powers Windows itself, desktop apps. Moves slow. Conservative.
* Mono powers iPhone, Android, clean Portable C code.