Steven Welliever Profile picture
Educator turned construction worker. Tweets mostly about K-12, showing similarities between Bolshevik and American communist cultural revolutions. Kulak.

May 8, 2021, 5 tweets

@waOSPI Race and Ethnicity Student Data Task Force

"Washington will be the first state to collect such comprehensive race and ethnicity student data." order to "promote racial equity" and "facilitate systemic change"

"Disaggregated student data must be at the forefront of decision-making making at the classroom, school, district, and state levels."

"Districts have... through the 2021-22 school year, to fully implement the changes."

@waOSPI will weigh 'opportunity gaps' between Black students from almost 80 categories (ex: Lesotho vs. The South Sandwich Islands).

White students are differentiated into a handful of Eastern Euro nationalities.

Choose, or the school will choose for you.

@waOSPI has recently hired several positions around the state to implement the ethno-Marxist K12 agenda.

Some districts are already collecting this data. This has lead to the ethno-gerry-mandered SOCFFEJ, "Students of Color Furthest from Educational Justice" category.

The ethnic categories intend to keep changing - depending on the needs of the CRT bureaucrats.

The state promises that you will soon see the benefits of endless racial/ethnic division.

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