Chase Dimond | Email Marketing Nerd 📧 Profile picture
Driven $200 million in email revenue for clients. Partner at a 7-figure Ecommerce Email Marketing Agency. Join 84,346 marketers & get my email secrets weekly ⬇️

May 8, 2021, 22 tweets

17 MORE extremely actionable email tips:

A month ago I did an awesome interview with @robwritescopy.

He shared 17 extremely actionable email tips.

We promised we’d do Part 2 if the video got over 100 likes.

I’m excited to share that Part 2 goes live Monday.

In the meantime, I’m going to share some of the tips.

1/ Use characters for higher engagement & sales.

2/ Email bank account:

How to build a loyal, POWERFUL list.

3/ Link straight to checkout:

Seen this 4x sales!

I’ll share more tips over the next few days.

In the meantime, he’s Part 1:

17 Extremely Actionable Email Marketing Tips.

Link here:

4/ How to never run out of content ideas:

By reverse engineering the customer journey.

5/ Leverage Loopholes:

People LOVE getting things the easy way.

6/ Marketing To Your Whales:

Status > Discounts

7/ Rule of 33/3:

How to audit your email performance

8/ The Email With No Links

That 3x’es sales!

Really excited to share the full interview with you tomorrow!

Make sure you’re on my email list so you don’t miss it:…

9/ Increase Font Size = 160% increase in CR!

10/ The Button Buster: Double or even triple your CTR

11/ Webinars For Ecom?

Increase AOV, conversions and search traffic with 1 piece of content

12/ How To Create Perpetual Motion Machine

13/ The Anti-Funnel

14/ Turn Entire Email Into An Image:

50+% CTR

*especially powerful for BIG sitewide sales or free events

15/ Threads For Email?

16/ “Do NOT Buy This” Email:

Generated $210,000 from 1 email listing reasons NOT to buy

17/ The Sleeper Effect:

Low to high intent

The moment you've all been waiting for is,


Want thorough insight into each of the 17 tips above?

Then make sure you watch my interview with @robwritescopy.

Link here:

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