Parveen Kaswan, IFS Profile picture
#Indian Forest Service. #Conservation. #IISc Bangalore alumnus. BTech #Aerospace. Masters in Design. PGD in #Forestry. #Explorer. Personal a/c

May 9, 2021, 6 tweets

Do you know #elephant family is all women group. Made of #mother, #aunts, #grandmother & all other #ladies. Most of the times Male leave herd early. Kids are looked by all female elephants in herd, all are mothers. Grandmother makes all decision for the family. #Mothersday

Obvious that experienced matriarch should lead #elephant family. She has accumulated immense traits/wisdom due to her long life. Which comes handy in long journeys & dangers. Not true for all. In #Zebras pregnant lead the way as she needs more water. #Buffaloes decide mutually.

Males keep on joining & leaving herds. Well one of the accepted theory is. That males when they get young are pushed out from the herd/family by dominant female, also called as matriarch. To check the inbreeding. Which only shows elephants are highly intelligent.

So matriarch take them on a journey called as life. They are long ranging animals, keep walking. She knows water holes, villages & good habitats. Sometime death of matriarch is a big shock for whole herd. As accumulated knowledge vanishes.

Not all are so social. Take example of other two big tanks of forest. Gaur lives in group but rhino lives solitary. Except in breeding time. All sharing similar kind of habitat but different in social structure.

All females of herd teach them and take them to show the world. That is how they are raised. All pictures are mines, documented at different times.

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