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May 9, 2021, 11 tweets

NEW: Conservatives hold Adur Council (West Sussex)

More very good results for the Greens, this time in Stroud- 5 gains from Tories and Labour. A real 3 party council now.

NEW: ANOTHER Conservative council gain from Labour in the Midlands. This time Amber Valley in Derbyshire. Was controlled by Labour until this elections. Has exchanged hands on and off for decades. Labour shouldn't be losing it. 9 straight swaps between the parties.

Labour is losing Sandwell and gaining Chipping Norton. That’s the political world we’re now in.

Here's the flip side to the Amber Valley result. Worthing in East Sussex is a Tory hold but with 6 Lab gains. They're now in spitting distance of taking the council. It's never been Labour. Only a few years ago it didn't have a single Labour councillor. Realignment the other way.

Problem for Labour is the realignment is still relatively asymmetric. Worthings are relatively few compared to the much speedier realignment towards the Tories in the north and midlands.

And sorry Worthing is of course West Sussex- long few days

Good result for the Lib Dems- they've gained St Albans Council. Won the seat in 2019. Last controlled the council in 2011.

Still waiting for all the results to come in but the Greens are having a cracker in Bristol

Looks like the way it’s going the Greens might have a good shot at becoming the biggest party in Bristol

Add to this- Labour just gained a Ward in Witney, David Cameron’s old constituency.

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