🚩💜Dave Dent #SmashtheWEF Profile picture
Fine Art equines Fashion stylist/sustainability consultant #Welsh w/c Newport HorseRacing Libertarian 💜🙂 AntiGlobalist Pr: Us v Them 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏇🐏👠🌸

May 10, 2021, 9 tweets


So you tight chattering class Guardian reading fake BLM avocado munching *kittens* wake tfu & appreciate livestock not only better share land with biodiversity than crops but also unlike crops have myriad sustainable co produce linked value livelihoods & culture. Support THAT &

And it's same everywhere. You're being defrauded by pseudoscience from the WEF elite, based on number abstraction devoid of ACTUAL observation or understanding of other consumerism a pale subsititute to durability of animal textiles/hide etc & extended skilled livelihoods/culture

Same in the UK majority ruminants pasture sharing land biodiversity NOT deforesting soya, & producing butter tallow lanolin FAR superior fats/dairy to orangutan killing palm oil & also producing wool sheepksin & leather FAR more durable than alternatives also require extra land

Land in UK despite Monbiot narrative (sheep had nothing to do with deforestation UK - unsupportable revisionist history was Roman etc crops, timber use urban/shipbuilding/war effort etc) again livestock FAR better than crops

Even USA the same : look Teas no 1 crop state v Kansas no 1 cattle state . And you can bet where there is biodiversity in Kansas will be on livestock land right @Caseyag1 ?
Urban people are getting fed a diet of utter crap in science and media paid for by the WEF elite who have

actually been doing the damage and much of it through corporate monocrops and food imperialism. Utterly sick of trying to engage with the fraudsters engaged in spinning the anti livestock narratives. They deserve to have the piss ripped out of them at best and held accountable

for the corruption of science using fraudulent constructs to demonize meat that anybody who knows livestock systems and their long time relatively holistic nature culture & decent livelihoods supporting environments v corporate eco & human slavery alternatives can see

More here on the extent of the con, it's nature, and who is funding it threadreaderapp.com/thread/1387378…

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