TheValuesVoter (Also on Threads and BlueSky) Profile picture
Love God and Human Life at all stages, Pro-life. Anti-racist. Fact Checker. List Maker. Unless it aligns with God’s Word or data, don’t believe it. #TrumpLost

May 10, 2021, 10 tweets

The biggest immediate danger the GOP faces is not seeing more people of color voting. Their biggest risk is white voters who have a problem with Trump and with the GOP's racism. Which is why you'll be seeing Tim Scott a lot ("Hi! My name is Tim! And the GOP is not racist!")

If you look at the states that have exit polling available for the last three Presidential elections, you'll notice things about the GOP's performance with whites.

NOTE: this has NOTHING to do with the NUMBER of white voters (sorry, Tucker Carlson - no new show idea tonight).

This has only to do with the MARGINS by which GOP Presidential candidates have won or lost white voters in Presidential elections according to exit polls.

In these states, the GOP has done worse, margin-wise, among whites in 2020 than in 2016 and worse in 2016 than in 2012.

Being more specific, in North Carolina, in 2012, Romney won white voters 68-31 (+37). In 2016, Trump won whites in NC 63-32 (+31). And in 2020, he won whites in NC 58-41 (+17).

It's not a question of the number of white voters. It's just that the GOP is doing worse with them.

In Colorado, Romney won white voters in 2012 54-44 (+10). But in 2016, Trump only won white voters in CO 47-45 (+2). And in 2020, he lost white voters in Colorado by 16 points, 41-57 (-16).

They don't like you, sir.

And in Arizona, the land of the suspected bamboo paper ballots, Romney won white voters in 2012 by 62-36 (+26). Trump won whites in AZ by a more modest 54-40 (+14) in 2016. And he won by a much more modest 52-46 in AZ (+6) in 2020.

Trump's problems did not start in 2020.

And so what happened after Trump made a concerted effort to use racist rhetoric, appeal openly to xenophobic fears and to tear open every barely closed racial wound this country has ever had in an attempt to gin up "the base?"

White voters eased away from him all over the place.

This map represents the states in which Trump's margins among white voters DECREASED (again, nothing at all to do with the number of white voters in these states) between 2016 and 2020. Trump won some of these states. But he did worse, margin-wise, in most or all of them.

So, what do the geniuses at GOP Central do when they see that Trump has been costing them votes among the only ethnic group they do well with?

They shout "MORE TRUMP!"

It's comical. And astounding.

Another thing. Notice that this map, or states in which the GOP’s margins with white voters fell between 2016 and 2020, includes every one of the states that Joe Biden flipped from Donald Trump.

Trump barely won in 2016. But in 2020, voters he assumed were with him bolted.

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