💫T.Katsumi📢 #JusticeForAll🌍🌏🌎 Profile picture
💫T.Katsumi(51)♂️🙆🏻‍♀️妻🇯🇵生れ|飲食歴20年+🙆🏻‍♂️私🇩🇪生れ🇯🇵🇿🇼🇧🇷🇺🇸育ち|IT翻訳歴25年+通訳歴20年+|22年🙆🏻‍♀️乳がん再発&転移で治療開始。🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏻‍♀️で闘病中。予後6年経過🎉 EN🇬🇧@tkatsumi_e

May 11, 2021, 5 tweets

Tomorrow, on #InternationalNursesDay, medical workers union @irouren will be launching another #twitterstorm recalling the epitome of #FlorenceNightingale ‘s philosophy that #NursingShouldNotBeASacrifice The demo will start at 2:00pm JST. Please unite with them in solidarity.

For foreigners, these are what the tags stand for:

#看護の日 👉 #InternationalNursesDay
#看護師の五輪派遣は困ります 👉Nurses Say NO to Olympics Dispatch
#看護は自己犠牲じゃない👉Nursing Is NOT an Act of Self-sacrifice
#100日後に一揆する看護師 👉Nurses WILL REVOLT in 100 Days

Related tags:

#看護師に定期pcr検査もせず五輪かよ 👉No regular PCR testing for nurses but still dispatch them toOlympics?
#看護師の五輪派遣に反対します 👉AGAINST dispatching nurses to Olympics
#看護師に再び看護の喜びを 👉 #EveryNurseDeservesDelightsOfLife

Any idea welcome!

And more:

#看護師たちの限界線 👉Nurses are at their absolute limit
#看護師は使い捨ての駒じゃない 👉Nurses are NOT disposable pawns
#看護師は駒じゃない 👉Nurses are not pawns
#看護は犠牲的行為であってはならない 👉 #NursingShouldNotBeASacrifice
#いのちまもる 👉Protect their lives

New, and most important one:

#看護師さん今日もありがとう 💐→ Thank you, all nurses for your everyday service, including today.


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