Himanta Biswa Sarma Profile picture
Chief Minister of Assam, BHARAT

May 11, 2021, 6 tweets


The new Cabinet held its first meeting today (May 11, 2021) & resolved to fulfill the promises made to our people.

We have taken our first steps in this journey with the following decisions 👇

1. To contain #Covid cases, more restrictions & containment measures would be put in place from May 13, 2021. Detailed SOP will be issued on Wednesday. In case restrictions have to continue for more than a fortnight, Govt will consider financial relief package for weaker sections

2. As promised during elections, the Cabinet decided to give employment to 1 lakh educated unemployed youths of the state in posts considered essential to improve public service delivery. A Committee is being constituted under Finance Minister to work out the modalities.

3. To ease the burden of loans availed by our mothers and sisters from Micro Finance Institutions, a Committee has been constituted to examine various aspects and make recommendations within one month.


4. The Cabinet approved increasing the stake of Government of Assam in Numaligarh Refinery Limited from the present 12.35% to 26%, involving a sum of Rs 2187 crore. This is the biggest single investment in the industrial sector ever by the State Government.


5. It was also decided that the Cabinet will meet every Wednesday for faster decisions making and their time bound implementation.

@CMOfficeAssam #AssamCabinet


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