John Constas Profile picture
Former Big Pharma. Quit when I realized medicine is broken. Helped 210+ clients heal their gut.

May 12, 2021, 6 tweets

No matter what they tell you

Anxiety is beatable

I’ve done it

& so can you


Exercise is your best partner to win the war

We’ve been brainwashed to sit in front of a computer all day

And never move

That unused energy needs to flow somewhere

Where does it go?

Into your mind

Improve cognition and lower your stress by staying active

Sunlight is brain food

Not getting enough screws up your mood

And only makes your anxiety worse

Go outside and absorb that solar energy

It’ll help you sleep better at night and lower your stress

Your mind is on overdrive when you have anxiety,

That means it’s harder for you to put the brakes

Slow that brain down & Use the following supplements or herbs to help:

Magnesium glycinate
Magnolia Bark
B complex

Learn how to breathe properly

The more you inhale from your mouth, the less oxygen gets to your brain

That puts you into survival mode and worsens your anxiety

You want to breathe from your nose only

Mewing or mouth taping at night are excellent ways to promote that

Create a calm environment

Where you spend most of your time should feel like your personal oasis

Plants in your office
Soft 528Hz music playing in your ears
A clean and neat desk

Your mind picks up on all of it

Give your brain a reason to feel zen

Bye anxiety

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