Visakan Veerasamy Profile picture
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May 12, 2021, 13 tweets

excellent thread of questions, I’m gonna answer them all. Will screenshot to avoid bombing Julie’s mentions. (h/t @ankitshah)

siblings: visa is always in his own world, in books, and on the computer. also guitar.

friends: visa is a kind earnest optimistic prolific hyperverbal shameless nerd

joined first role bc I needed money, stayed 5+ years because it was a great work environment, my boss was like my therapist/mentor/coach, kept learning and growing

since leaving I’ve been working for myself bc I value creative freedom & personal autonomy more than anything else

“visa is excellent at synthesizing disparate points of view, he’s a marketer who understands engineers. very clear thinker & communicator. sensitive and sharp. A+ content creator. he’s also great at making people feel comfortable & at ease, resolving conflicts and arguments”

they’d have great project management skills. good with timelines & schedules, good at proceduralizing things, good at asking results-oriented questions, thinking about deliverables, naturally inclined to ask “why haven’t we shipped this yet”, persistent, industrious, disciplined

Dear Visa-28:

- (1) start texting / emailing the coolest people you know now
- (2) start making and uploading videos now
- (3) start a patreon and ebooks now

I learned all of these things through (A) trial and error and (B) exposure to excellent peers

1 → B

accelerate A

Roam, for the bidirectional links and the bullet-level linking. Why wasn’t this already a thing everywhere?

also Twitter threads and QTs which is why I’m on this product so much, though idk how deliberate the creators are. They’re prob just slowly learning from their users

It’s almost always people and relationships. For some reason people everywhere are always lonely and disconnected, and yet it’s rare that anybody takes the initiative to connect people. Generally also asking/answering “you know what would be cool...” and then following through

I’m always proud of every time I’ve persuaded anybody to make content and share their knowledge, expertise, insight, perspective with the world. It expands their career capital, their influence/reach, in a very real sense it expands their power and makes them wealthier

At my last job I was pretty blessed that we hired mostly great people who could have thoughtful conversations about conflict, I don’t think my work was ever adversely affected

I did have a shit boss in the military once but nothing I could do about that, simply cultivate zen

I’m probably underestimating the degree to which I’ve smoothed out conflicts over the years almost w/o realising I was doing it. I just approach things with genuine curiosity & try to figure out where everyone is coming from, what their constraints are, what they’re trying to do

if you want to hire me you have to convince me that

1- I’ll be working for someone that I respect/admire and will learn from

2- in a growing market/industry

3- to make a lasting dent in a meaningful problem that I can’t do better by myself

nobody has convinced me of this yet

fun! Feel like I just LARPed a DIY job interview. Haven’t had one of those in years

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