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May 14, 2021, 10 tweets

An update on vaccination in the UK.
Tl:DR - Vaccination rates are on the rise again.
2/3 of adult population have had a first dose, 1/3 a second dose.
Disparity in uptake still exists between most and least deprived areas.

Firstly, to the raw numbers.
The number of doses has picked up following the May Bank Holiday dip.
Still primarily second doses (orange) being given to keep pace with first doses (blue) 12 weeks earlier.

We have now given first doses to almost 2/3 of the adult population and second doses to over 1/3.
This is already having a tremendous impact with PHE suggesting they have saved over 12,000 lives in England alone.…

Wales is surging ahead with first dose delivery (at 74.8%), but has been caught up by the other three nations (who seem to be moving in lockstep) for second dose delivery.

First dose rates in over 50s are all above 90% with people in their 40s (still being offered first doses) at 75%.
Vaccination was opened up this week to under 38-39 year-olds, so we should start to see more significant proportions of under 40s getting vaccinated.

In over 80s, second doses (90%) are now behind first doses from12 weeks ago (93%) indicating that a small proportion of people are not taking up their second dose.

Looking regionally for the over 80s, second dose coverage is lowest in London (as is first dose coverage).
Its also interesting to note that second dose uptake as a proportion of first dose uptake is short of 100% for all regions but lowest in London.

In previous weeks we have seen disparities in uptake by deprivation with the least deprived demographics having higher uptake than the most deprived.
A similar trend is true for people taking up a second dose as a proportion of those who had first dose.

Overall though, the vaccine programme is going really well and we are meeting Test 1:
"The vaccine deployment programme continues successfully."
ahead of the next stage of the Roadmap on Monday 17th.

As always, huge thanks to Bob Hawkins for his help with preparing the charts.

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