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Dutch carpenter and fat loss coach. Follow me for building projects and insights to lose your belly.

May 14, 2021, 17 tweets

10 Crazy Ways To Boost Your Confidence To The Moon πŸš€πŸš€


1. Get In Shape

Working on yourself, training hard and eating clean take discipline. We all know a good body doesn't come easy, right?

So, if you have a body you worked hard for, you can be proud of it and this will instantly increase your confidence.

➑️Look good = feel good.

What to aim for in your physique?

- big, proportioned muscles
- low bodyfat (<12%)
- abs showing
- legs trained (thick quads and big glutes)
- broad shoulders
- big chest

2. Challenge Yourself

The more you put yourself out there, face challenges and overcome them, the more confident you will become.

Speaking to girls you don't know may be intimidating at first but you will see that if you put your balls on the line it actually is not that scary.

Confident man are confident because they have faced many challenges.

"I've done it before so I can do it again".

The sooner you start pushing yourself, the more reference experiences you can build, thus the more confident you will become.

Just throw yourself in the pit man.

3. Increase Income

Whether it is a side hustle (Twitter can make you BIG money) or asking for a raise, more money flowing in will lower your stress and improve your quality of life A LOT

Creating something that pays all by yourself = WAY MORE confident.…

It is CRUCIAL that you use your money wisely.

Warren Buffet said "If you spend things you don't need, you soon will have to sell things you need."

So be smart about it.

Invest in
- stocksπŸ“ˆ
- yourself (courses, guides, gym etc)
- crypto πŸ’Έ
- experiences (minutes > dollars) ✈️

4. Teach Yourself Something

Nothing beats the feeling of trying something by yourself, failing but persisting and then ultimately succeeding.

"I DID IT!!!"

When was the last time you had that feeling? And how did you feel afterwards?

Yep, confident as fuck. Do more of that.

5. Focus On Yourself

There will always be someone better, taller, tougher, richer than you. And that's OK.

You need to focus on yourself with laser like vision.

Try to improve yourself each and every single day instead of trying to be like someone else.

Focus on YOUR life.

6. Dress Well

"Every girl goes crazy about the sharp dressed man" - ZZ Top

It's true. But, girls are not the point. Your confidence is. And guess what? When you dress like you give a damn, you feel like you give a damn.

Dress well, feel well. Simple.

Ditch the hoodies and havana shirts. Start dressing like A MAN.

- suits
- use clothes to layer
- no prints
- boots > sneakers
- no skinny jeans

Tip: look at action heroes and dress like they do. Scott Adkins, Jason Statham, Daniel Craig etc.

7. Carry Yourself Like A Man

Sit and stand up straight. Push your shoulders back. Hold your chin up and look people in the eye.

This is a nice mental trick because your body tells your brain that you are confident, and so you will naturally act confident.

8. Speak With Impact

Emulate confident men and you WILL feel more confident. Know how forcing a smile lifts your mood?

Well, it's the same with confidence and speaking with impact helps a lot.

Do more of this
- speak slowly
- say relevant things
- speak deeper
- use pauses

9. Push Harder

Confident men aim high and achieve big because
- they know they have the skills
- they love challenges
- take risks

If you want to elevate yourself you must believe that you are worthy of larger goals.

Push hard in
- business
- gym
- social network
- experience

10. Know What You Want

Take the time to write down what you want to do in life.

How do you want to contribute to the world?
What makes you happy?

Answer these with complete honesty. Then go after what you wrote down relentlessly.

Knowing what you want and going after it will massively boost your confidence because you're doing something that you believe in.

But, that does take discipline and good habits....…

This will help with that.

Thanks for reading!

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