Natnael Argaw (PhD) Profile picture
Father, Consultant and College Professor

May 14, 2021, 11 tweets

@nimaelbagir's latest report on Tigray is a total lie & against the principle of verification and journalism.
Here's why:
1. She blamed the Ethiopian govt for guarding its citizens in its own territory by saying "the government is visibly flexing control". 1/10

The Ethiopian govt has every right to ensure the well-being of its citizens in every corner of Ethiopia let alone in a war zone.
#CNNisFakeNews #Ethiopia

2. @nimaelbagir said the aim of CNN's trip is to verify the availability of "unimpeded aid access" in Tigray. We saw there is access even in her footage but she hesitated to say a thing about it.
She was totally into fault finding. 3/

3. @nimaelbagir said the regional forces pushed out Ethiopian and Eritrean armies from the place she were reporting from.
However, she didn't let us to verify that. That was a typical #TPLF warfare strategy being streamed by #CNNisFakeNews and @nimaelbagir 4/

4. The executed men scene: @nimaelbagir didn't say a thing about those men's background; whether they were civilians or armed TPLF combatants.
Not because of her competence but for the benefit of her allies that part was skipped. #CNNisFakeNews

5. The soldier scene: @nimaelbagir defamed the 🇪🇹|n government for "giving total impunity to soldiers in public hospitals".
We saw a soldier, Ethiopian Soldier. He run back to where he came from after some minutes. So, what?!

6. Ethiopian soldiers are eligible to get treatment and above all secure public infrastructures. So, no verified information about @nimaelbagir's presumptive defamation against the Ethiopian soldiers.

7. The Axum Tsion scene:A number of 🇪🇹|ns seen worshiping.
But, @nimaelbagir presented it as "proof to the existence of war in the area" and devalued Govt's effort for peace saying "an act of worship here is a dangerous one".
No visual evidence provided. Peace was verifiable!

8. People in the hospital: @nimaelbagir presented every odds in Tigray hospitals in relation to the conflict; everything including food deficiency.
TPLF forsaken Tigray for so long & hospitals have always been diagnosing malnutrition. Ref-USAID's annual report on ET.

Put succinctly, every hypothesis @neamin made is against the principle of verifiability and journalism. She failed to verify CNN's current and past defamation campain against the Ethiopian govt even after having unfettered media access in most parts of Tigray‼️

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