The Mossad: Satirical and Awesome Profile picture
🇮🇱 Advocacy 🇮🇱 Humour 🇮🇱 Space Lasers

May 16, 2021, 15 tweets

This thread could use an update.

This may hold the record for oldest picture to be used for #Pallywood yet.

Following the latest operation, we have a new batch to share:

✖️Syria is not Gaza

✖️Beirut is not Gaza

✖️This birthmark is not Gaza

✖️Afghanistan is not Gaza

✖️Yemen is not Gaza

✖️Syria is not Gaza

✖️Syria is not Gaza

✖️Syria is not Gaza

✖️Ukraine is not Gaza

✖️Syria is not Gaza

✖️Syria is not Gaza

Thank you @emilykschrader and @YosephHaddad for bringing this to video!

Picking only 5 must have been the hardest part!

What actually happened:
Jogger, minding his own business gets stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist. The jogger fights him off and the terrorist is neutralized by security forces.

↪️(feed through Palestinian lie generator)


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