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May 17, 2021, 6 tweets

🌳 Introducing The Queen’s Green Canopy!

🍃 Today marks the launch of @QGCanopy, a a unique, UK-wide tree planting initiative created to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022.

📸 The Queen and The Prince of Wales with the first Jubilee tree, planted earlier this year.

🌱🎥 ‘Planting a tree is a statement of hope and faith in the future.’

The Prince of Wales, Patron, recalls planting the first Jubilee tree in the grounds of Windsor Castle alongside The Queen, during the planting season (October - March).


🌲 The tree planted by The Prince of Wales to launch @QGCanopy is a Verdun Oak.

Verdun Oaks were first planted in the UK after WW1, cultivated from acorns collected from the battlefield at Verdun.

The acorns were sent from France to be distributed as war memorials.

🌲 From June, schools and community groups can apply for three million free @QGCanopy saplings through the @WoodlandTrust.

📸 Those who have planted a tree can submit a photograph to the @QGCanopy interactive map, which will be used to track Jubilee tree plantings from October.

🌱#DidYouKnow that The Queen has planted more than 1,500 trees across the world?

Her Majesty has also spoken alongside Sir David Attenborough about the importance of trees in the Earth’s future.

The @QGCanopy will create a pilot training programme for unemployed young people aged 16-24 through @capelmanor, London’s only specialist environmental college.

📸 The Queen at the opening of @capelmanor’s memorial garden for The Queen Mother, their former Patron, in 2010.

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