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'Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will' - Frederick Douglass #FuckMusk #FuckTrump #FuckReformUK Occasionally on

May 17, 2021, 7 tweets

A very quick non-political & non PC (*gasp*) #THREAD on nicknames.

A nickname is a substitute for the proper name of a familiar person, commonly used to express affection or endearment, sometimes amusement, & occasionally to bully.

Almost all lads had one when I was young.

As my surname is Jackson, my usual nickname was 'Jacko'.

As a 17 year old, doing a bricklaying apprenticeship, I went on day release to Chesterfield Tech (College of Technology, before it became Chesterfield College) to do a City & Guilds in Bricklaying & then 'Advanced Craft'.

It was quite brutal - usually in a good way - & all of us on the course were given new nicknames by my mate 'Trent'.

Trent got his own nickname following a haircut, after which someone said his ears looked like bus wheels - the local bus company was called 'Trent Buses'. 🚍

A thinnish lad was called Jim. His nickname became 'Jim The Pin'. Then later, 'Skinny Jim The Pin'. 📌

There was a VERY big lad, who wasn't the sharpest, & Trent gave him the nickname 'Termy'.


Because according to Trent, he looked like a massive lumbering termite.🐛

Another lad was given the nickname 'Mips', then 'Chuffin Mips', because his surname was 'Marples' & he used to say 'Chuffin 'ell' A LOT. 🤬

Another lad came in from a place called Ashover. He was a bit gangly, with a sharp, pointy face, so his nickname was 'Asher Dog'. 🐶

Another lad used to say 'ballacks' A LOT - he became known as called 'Ballos'.🤬

A punk from Chesterfield who we often struggled to understand was given the nickname 'Emmo'.

I think I got away lightly, as I was called 'Jack the lad', but they said 'Jack the Laaaaaad'.

A couple of the teachers were given nicknames by Trent too.

Mr Brightmore became 'Mr Darkless', & a teacher who had a small mouth, & very thin lips, became known as 'Chicken Lips'.🐔

Did any of us care? Did we fuck. It was all funny as fuck. Times have changed.

What was yours?

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