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May 18, 2021, 25 tweets


A new world order is here: The ETH x DeFi x NFT metaverse.

This is my attempt to map it all. Please share this crazy thread and say hi 👋 🦊

tl;dr - this is so much bigger than I ever imagined… and none of us has enough #ETH for what is about to happen.

1. What is the metaverse?

The metaverse is a thriving digital universe, transcending the ‘real world’

A new virtual society with no borders.

The next era of human civilization.

@PiersKicks puts it: “7 billion digital souls with the option to exist almost exclusively online”

2. Virtual worlds

The 'final destination' is open digital worlds.

A place where your avatar will socialize, work and interact. You’ll own land and build communities.


3. The end of the nation-state

These virtual worlds seem like fun gaming platforms.

But it’s bigger than that.

We are building new societal structures in the digital realm.

It no longer matters where you are born.

Anyone can now work and live wherever they want.

4. NFTs

Everything in the metaverse will be an #NFT.

The potential market for NFTs is ‘all digital things.’ It’s in the tens of trillions of dollars.

In a world where 7 billion digital souls work and play in the metaverse, it’s almost too scary to calculate.

5. NFT marketplaces

NFT marketplaces will grow bigger than many crypto exchanges.

Whoever becomes the 'Amazon' of digital goods will be the biggest company in the universe.

6. Curated vs open marketplaces

Curated marketplaces offer a level of authenticity and quality:


Open marketplaces allow anyone to mint and sell:


7. Fashion

In the future we will spend insane amounts of money to define our digital identity with wearables.

@RTFKT is the best in the game - the Supreme of the metaverse.
@Lukso (blockchain and token standard)

8. Gaming

Gaming will be the true breakout moment for NFTs.

The skins market is already $40 billion.

Then imagine you can earn crypto by playing games.

Play-to-earn is a whole new economy that didn’t exist before.


9. Music

NFTs give creators and artists new power over their work.

Artists like @3LAU and @RAC are reinventing how musicians can make money and DJing in the metaverse.

It's time to fight for a new type of creator economy, powered by platforms like @Audius

10. Architecture

No-one is talking enough about metaverse architecture.

@VoxelArchitects are the obvious leaders in the space - building the B20 museum.

@Krista_Kim minted the beautiful Mars House.

Check out @dutchtide

We're about to see an explosion of creativity here.

11. Ethereum

So how do we build this metaverse?


Ethereum is gravity.

Almost all value will be sucked into its gravitational force.

The metaverse demands the strongest security, decentralization, property rights and network effects.

Nothing else comes close.

12. Layer 2s

The next 18 months will change everything.

A shift to Proof of Stake and new layer two solutions are almost here.

@Immutable X for NFTs…

@0xPolygon, @optimismPBC and @zksync to supercharge DeFi…

13. NFT protocols

NFT-specific protocols are playgrounds to create next-generation NFT functionality and usage.

We’ll see some amazing experiments and communities around these protocols in the next few years.


14. Overflow layer 1s

There will always be faster, lighter, more centralized alternatives to Ethereum.

They act like overflow when Ethereum slows down.

Many are vaporware or ghostchains but there's some real DeFi and NFT activity on these.

15. Metaverse currency

ETH is the natural currency of the digital world.

It’s a medium of exchange on NFT marketplaces.

It’s a unit of account for DeFi.

It’s becoming a store of value with EIP1559.

When we need a bridge back to the real world, we have Dai.

16. Metaverse economy

Wall Street is not allowed in the metaverse.

We have our own economy now.

Bitcoin: collateral.

@Uniswap: financial exchange.

@AaveAave: lender.

@synthetix_io: derivatives.

@THORChain: X-chain liquidity.

@NexusMutual: insurance.

New world order.

17. Defi x NFT

NFTs will also become a critical part of the DeFi infrastructure.

• Uniswap V3 uses NFTs to tokenize liquidity.

@NFTX_ creates liquidity for NFTs.

• Use NFTs as collateral with @TrustologyIO / @nftfi

• Earn interest on NFTs with @DefiNft

18. Fractionalized NFT collections

Some big players like @Metakovan and @WhaleShark_Pro have fractionalized their NFT collections so others can own a small, collective part of the vault.

You can do this on platforms like @NIFTEX and @NFT20.

19. Metaverse community and governance

We have a responsibility to build the metaverse better than the world we live in.

DAOs have the potential for fairer, grassroots community governance.


20. Social tokens

Social tokens and 'micro-economies' could change everything.

Imagine being able to invest in your favourite YouTuber or artist or community.

Pioneers: @RAC @WhaleShark_Pro @coin_artist @Hackatao @Cooopahtroopa
Platforms: @rally_io @FWBtweets @forefront__

21. Indexes

So, how do you invest in this emerging metaverse?

If you don't want to pick tokens directly, there are indexes.

@indexcoop has a metaverse and DeFi index.

Available on @tokensets too.

@PieDAO_DeFi has the PLAY index and DeFi indexes.

@StackedCrypto has the NFT 5

22. Investment funds

What about venture capital?

These are particularly active in NFT x DeFi x metaverse:

@paraficapital (@santiagoroel)
@scalarcapital (@ljxie)
@Sfermion_ (@AndrewSteinwold)

23. Media and research

You can cut through most of the noise with these:

@DefiantNews (@DirSchmidt especially)
@BanklessHQ Metaversal newsletter
@MessariCrypto (@masonnystrom especially)
@Delphi_Digital (@pierskicks especially)
@TheBlockRes dashboards

24. END

If you found it useful, please share!

Feel free to say hi or offer feedback on anything.

I made this map to make sense of all the chaos in my head, but also to hopefully meet people.

I'll be writing more at

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