Arvid Kahl Profile picture
Calmly building in public. I write and make videos at Be kind.

May 20, 2021, 7 tweets

🚨 The Embedded Entrepreneur Launch Update, 24h Edition.

- 188 sales on @gumroad
- 130 sales on @amazon

It's starting to rank, too. It's currently #10 on the Entrepreneur best-sellers and all three editions (eBook, paperback, hardcover) are on the Top 100 New Releases. 🥳🚀

Most paperbacks and hardcovers are not included in the Amazon list — yet. I assume that an additional 50% of the reported number was ordered as a print version, so add another ~60 to the mix.

So day one saw 318 - ~370 sales. We'll know for sure next week when they're delivered!

Sales on @Gumroad have been spectacular. As usual, that platform allows me to reach those readers who don't have easy access to Amazon as Americans or Germans might. Also, the Notion-based toolkit is sold exclusively on Gumroad.

Now, to the rankings!

#10 in Entrepreneurship Best-sellers. That's just flat-out awesome.

Let's see how high we can climb here :D…

The book also ranks on the New Releases page — in fact, ALL THREE VERSION OF THE BOOK are there.

- eBook on #4
- paperback on #25

- paperback on #80

(Also, 👋 to my book-title-brother @shl on #82)

My launch tweet has so far gathered 421,651 impressions. Almost half a million people. 🤩

And even better, over 40.000 plays of my super-high-quality professional amateur video that I taped on my couch :D

I'm looking forward to seeing those Amazon developments over the next few days. Super excited to see my book among such illustrious names and beloved books.

What a day!

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