Daniel Crow Profile picture
Climate, environment and behavioural change at International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook. Own views. @IEA

May 20, 2021, 5 tweets

Behaviour changes play a small but essential role in our new @IEA #NetZero2050Roadmap. Some may seem radical - and give only small cuts to emissions- but they're critical where other decarbonisation options are scarce. Here I'll unpack what they entail & why they're important...

The #NetZero2050Roadmap involves a series of targeted behaviour changes (key ones below). Many of these changes generate co-benefits such as cleaner air; all are feasible with the right policies (and in some countries are starting to happen).

Behavioural changes cut emissions in hard-to-abate sectors such as aviation, and also cut fuel demand, putting less pressure on bioenergy, and electricity from renewables. Reducing waste and improving design of buildings helps reduce materials demand in industry.

Both private companies and citizens enact the behavioural changes in the #NetZero2050Roadmap, but most can be influenced or mandated by government policies. Governments also have a role in ensuring the infrastructure is built to enable certain changes, e.g. high-speed rail tracks

Can we still get on the #NetZero pathway without behavioural changes? Our sensitivity analysis shows it's possible, but requires an even more accelerated deployment of low-carbon technologies over the next 10 years than the already sky-high ambition set out in #NetZero2050Roadmap

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