Mira Christanto Profile picture
ELI50 Macro & crypto. @DCGexpeditions VC. Formerly @messaricrypto, TradFi 15 years, managed $7bn equities fund and founded a meditation studio.

May 20, 2021, 9 tweets

Kusama and Polkadot are soon launching their parachain auctions. Cross-chain composability and scalability have never been so important.
How does an auction work for users? What does it mean for $DOT, $KSM price & circulating supply?

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Why do developers want to do this?
The benefits of connecting to the @Polkadot or @kusamanetwork network includes full control over your environment -- but with a cheap & secure way for blockchains and apps to launch.

Full report here-->

Kusama is a low-value version of Polkadot, but important as a testbed. Getting a @kusamanetwork parachain is a stepping stone to the big leagues.

The community will lock $DOT & $KSM to participate. We could see circulating supply drop by half.

From the user's perspective, how does the auction work?
1️⃣ Crowdloans go live --> the project raises $KSM or $DOT from the community, say in return for the native token
2️⃣ Parachain auctions happen
3️⃣ The winning parachain launches
4️⃣ Unwinding at the end of the period


In the 2️⃣ Auction, a start and end time is announced. But a *retrospectively* randomly selected block cuts-off the live bidding process. The highest bidder at that time, regardless of subsequent bids, wins.

So best for projects and users to put all their chips in early

The winner automatically earns the slot and launches. Unlike ICOs, the $KSM or $DOT that users locked never go to the team. The tokens are locked until the parachain lease period ends (6-24 months), then the principal is returned.


We expect a parachain winning bid could be $30-50 million. In the table, we assume:
+ Bear market multiplier of 2-5x (each $1 inflow means a $2-5 increase in market cap),
+ Bull market multiplier of 10-20x

All things equal, we get a +21% to +206% price impact

How do you use a @Polkadot wallet?
Unlike @ethereum, you can have a master wallet (accepts all tokens on all networks) or a seperate wallet for each. The latter is less convenient but more secure.

@PolkadotJs and @polkawallet are the most popular

For a deeper dive in how the auction works, how the wallet works, the price impact on $DOT or $KSM, and the implications on circulating supply, please see our report.


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