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May 20, 2021, 35 tweets

Hunter's emails that he dropped for the FBI to get legal possession of them, have done it again. Exposing another Swamp creature, this time a former FBI Director trying to buy access to the big guy for global Swamp Creatures!

Looks like Freeh donated $100k to Beau's children in 2016 as he tried to got through Hunter to get the Big Guy to land on his payroll from the VP office.
Freeh was working for PM Razak of Malaysia who was trying to stop the FBI's investigation of 1MDB!

If you followed my thread on Rudy's case, you won't be surprised that Freeh marked all his emails to Hunter (who wasn't his attorney or client) as Attorney Client privileged information to prevent the FBI from reading them.

So it looks like Freeh was trying to enlist Joe Biden to join his firm as he tried to protect corrupt oligarchs from prosecution. Looks like it didn't work & they got convicted!

I guess he had more success in 1999-2000 when he was helping President's Clinton & Yeltsin cover up corruption & money laundering between NYC banks & Moscow!
Clinton & Yeltsin wanted to kill that case to help Gore & Putin get elected in 2000!

Looks like the Obama & Trump DOJ weren't listening to Freeh's advice as his Swampy clients got convicted!

Seems that Freeh used a family foundation to make the donation & his accounting firm or the IRS red flagged it as not a 'proper foundation gift'. So he asked Hailey Biden to refund the money & he'd donate directly from his own account.

Hunter continued to serve as a buffer for Joe, telling Freeh his dad rarely used email so to keep him in the loop. If you haven't figure out yet, Hunter was almost certainly working for the FBI or other agency as an asset!

So in July 2016, Freeh was trying to compromise Vice President Joe Biden with offers of future work sent through Hunter. It's a good thing he is so 'careless' with his laptops & leaves them lying around to be placed into evidence for Grand Juries!

Looks like Freeh was gettting Hunter's advice on how to keep Gabriel "Puiu" Popoviciu, a Romanian real estate mogul out of prison on corruption charges. Freeh failed in that task! While offering profitable work to the Big Guy!

Freeh was also representing Israeli/French oligarch Benny Steinmetz in corruption cases in Romania. I've touched on his conviction in other threads!

Looks like a classic Swamp recruitment effort, now exposed thanks to Hunter keeping the evidence & leaving it for the FBI & media to cover!

So Hunter & Freeh were brought into the Romanian case to convince prosecutors that it was a bad prosecution. Sounds a lot like lawyering done in a Ukraine case by former Clinton lawyer & Obama WH Counsel Greg Craig!

Of course after Hillary lost, Freeh's influence with the Dems was of no use. So who did he hire? Rudy Giuliani who recently had 18 electronic devices seized to use evidence against his clients!

If you missed this thread, the DOJ has already said there is not pending criminal case against Rudy, they are seizing his devices to get evidence against his clients in an admissible format!

I covered Steinmetz's Swiss charges before, but I don't think I have looked as his cases in Romania.

Freeh has lots of Swampy connections. But why did they hire former Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill?

Former Judge Eugene Sullivan (not Emmitt Sullivan of the Flynn case) & Louis Freeh came up in a Chinese money laundering case that I covered. Along with a former DNC chair & former Democratic governors. Oh & former CIA Director James Woolsey...

If you haven't figured it out yet, piercing Attorney Client Privilege to expose Swampy lawyers who are aiding Swamp creatures from around the world to pervert the system of justice is a major theme of what is going on in the legal fights.
Another story breaking today ties in...

You have to start with a 1MDB case against Elliot Broidy, DOJ gives unindicted co-conspirators code names like “Person 1”.
In Broidy's case the secret code name was easy to identify, as there is only one “President of the People’s Republic of China”!

Broidy's case came out of the Higginbotham case. A DOJ lawyer assigned to Congress who got caught trying to bribe Trump for Hillary donors to kill the FBI's 1MDB case!
So President Xi was trying to kill that case too through Broidy!

But now an unsealed opinion from before their guilty pleas show that Broidy's & Davis' attorney's are under DOJ investigation with similar AC privilege issues.
Looks like they tried to get their clients to plead guilty to protect their other clients. politico.com/news/2021/05/2…

All going back to the 1MBD case where Clinton & Tony Blair friendly Swamp creatures looted almost $5B from poor people in Malaysia. A judge rumored to be a Swamp creature unsealed the AC privilege ruling against DOJ's wishes resulting in lawyers jumping of the case!

It's so weird how these cases connect back to failed efforts to buy swampy favors from President Trump. Like all that media coverage fooled the crooks too!

Here's a hint! "titans of the D.C. legal establishment" means they protect Swamp creatures!

Wanna bet Jared Kushner learned a few things about how they operate that lead to these cases?

So Broidy & Davis's attorney had conflicts of interest, just like Flynn's lawyers at C&B & Pdob's lawyers too!
Lawyers who may have given their clients advice to plead guilty for reasons other than the best interest of their client!

Sounds exactly like Flynn's waiver on the conflict of interest with his attorneys!

Another similarity to the Flynn case, a DOJ prosecutor was in the loop on the conflict issue & did nothing to prevent a defense attorney railroad a client in a conflicted case...

Is this another case of the Swamp ganging up on a defendent to sell a narrative to the court, so their guilty plea can be used to set the narrative for other cases?

In fact, the DOJ officials briefed the judge on Abbe Lowell's role in the failed 'bribery for pardon' case one day before the guilty plea by the Lowell's client in the case with an inadequate conflict of interest waiver, where Davis might testify against Lowell's other client!

Broidy split with his lawyer, when his lawyer in the same case, defended the other defendent's lawyer for that case!
All the while his attorneys were suing Qatar for Broidy, while lobbying the Swamp for Qatar!

Broidy's criminal defense lawyer in the FARA case included George Terwilliger, for Deputy Attorney General under AG Bill Barr from the early 90s. His son was heavily involved in Spygate issues too!

Several years ago the mention of Terwilliger on Twitter summoned swarms of bots & trolls.
George's son Zach Terwilliger was a DOJ investigator assigned to Senator Grassley, then Rosenstein's Chief of Staff before Trump appointed him US Attorney for Northern Virginia.

Davis is following the examples of Flynn & @GeorgePapa19 in attempting to retract her guilty plea.

But she & Higginbotham were recently spotted giving testimony to a grandy jury investigating the failed efforts to bribe Trump!

The FARA unit that lead to Broidy & Davis' prosecution was lead by Flynn prosecutor Brandon Van Grack!

The heavily redacted order to provide emails marked "attorney client privileged' to FBI investigators in this case is available here...

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