Ooana Trien ~ Eric Arthur Blaire’s Mistress Profile picture
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May 21, 2021, 12 tweets

Flashback Friday.

Coronavirus 2020
...a love story for people who like to boil bunnies but can’t because fur is murder.

March 2020. My first mask. Awww.

Next time say temporary. Always say temporary unless the new reality includes the return of Prince, George Michael, Leonard Cohen and Bowie. They held the fabric of the universe together.

Aww. See it? Our first carrot and stick.

Two weeks to flatten the curve? Nope. Stop the spread. We just didn’t think they’d be...well...power hungry dicks.

It’s funny because we’re so dumb but we put in charge that many Smeegles even dumber than us.

Awww. Remember when we were wide eyed and singing songs about washing hands?

Imagine if we had just kept doing that. Yeah. Really. We should just kept doing that. No. Just that. And stop.

This isn’t crazy talk. It’s actually slightly abnormal kindergarten for adults talk.

And anything crazier than that is just CRAZY. For reals. Part of you remembers.


No. This is totally wrong.

( what is this? Have we found yet another origin of the tales of Kamala?🧐

et tu Kermit?)

-Dawn of the mask mandate-

(which btw NY, it was ONLY if you couldn’t social distance. You guys just went full “this is my wooby! No! and makes me a hero too!! Wooby loves you too! I said LOVE WOOBY!!!! 😤😡”

That’s alllllll you. Stop saying it’s the science. Wooby is not science. Wooby is wooby)

Answer for all pups out there.....

Because they like it.

🐶Ya mean like a chewie?

Yes. Like a chewie.
#flashbackfriday #dawnofcovidia

It’s Science.

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