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May 22, 2021, 15 tweets

I am not sure this is #COVID connected (perhaps people don't need their cars?) but there seem to be a lot of abandoned cars on Berlin streets...

All my 📷 in a thread

Peugeot 206 in Kreuzberg, with weeds growing around it

VW Polo in Neukölln, with some moss growing along the windows

Fiat van in Neukölln, so filled with garbage it is not even possible to drive this one

Audi A4 in Neukölln. Not even license plates on this one, but it stood there for weeks. Leaves and grime piling up on it

Open Corsa in Neukölln

BMW 3 series cabrio in Neukölln, grime piling up under the wheels as it has not moved in so long

Weeds growing underneath this Lancia and this Fiat in Moabit

VW Golf without plates parked up on an urban street in Tempelhof

A Renault Megane cabrio in such a bad way and parked so long water leaks into the roof, in Neukölln

A Peugeot 306 without plates just south of Tempelhofer Feld in Neukölln

And these are just a few I have chanced upon in the past few months, without even really searching

The few times I have needed a car (from one of the car pools I am a member of) in Berlin, finding somewhere to park it has often been a nightmare

That's surely not helped by having cars *that don't move* occupying space on roads...

And that's before we come to the even greater problem of cars that don't move Monday to Friday and are only driven occasionally on weekends

I'm also struck by the incredible wastefulness of this - some of these are (superficially at least) decent vehicles

If cities are to have a serious discussion about use of space, and about reducing car parking spaces... one of the first things to work out is if the ones a city has are being used sensibly

Berlin's, I conclude, are not


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