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Host Silk & Steel Podcast on China, history, culture, politics @SteelSilkn, wife:@BaliEarthSoul

May 22, 2021, 6 tweets

Cdrama #TheLongBallad finished airing. It turns out #Dilireba's character Princess Li Changge and @Wulei's character Turkic prince Ashile Sun DO have historical parallels in Tang Dynasty!

A Thread
#迪丽热巴 #长歌行

Not much was written abt frmer Crown Prince 李建成 Li Jiancheng's daughter. But we do know abt Emperor Taizong's step daughter who married a Turkic prince. Her mother was a famous beauty but her Dad was killed in rebellion agst Sui Dynasty. Prince Li Shimin married her mom

In 629 AD, Tang Empire allied w #Uyghurs and Xueyantuo, launched a major expedition agst Eastern Turkic Khaganate in Mongolia. Illig Khagan fled to the tribe of Turkic Prince Ashina Zhong. Ashina Zhong captured Illig Khagan and sent him to Tang court.

Tang Emperor Taizong married his step daughter Princess Dingxiang 定襄县主 to Turkic prince Ashina Zhong 阿史那忠 as reward for capturing Turkic Khagan.

#TheLongBallad #长歌行 #迪丽热巴 #Dilireba #WuLei

Ashina Zhong then led his Turkic tribesmen fought for Tang Empire in Korea, on Tibetan Plateau agst Tibetan Empire and in Central Asia agst the Western Turkic Khaganate #Wulei #吴磊 #长歌行 #TheLongBallad

Turkic Prince Ashina Zhong was buried in Imperial capital Chang'an (Xi'an) next to Tang emperor Taizong. His tomb has some amazing murals! #长歌行 #TheLongBallad

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